Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Hans Magnus Enzensberger was a German author, poet, translator, and editor. He was known for his prolific and diverse body of work, which included poetry, essays, and plays. Enzensberger was also a prominent intellectual and cultural critic.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Poems For People Who Don't Read Poems

    This collection presents an accessible and engaging compilation of poetry that seeks to break down the barriers often associated with the genre. It offers a diverse range of themes and styles, inviting those who might be skeptical or uninterested in poetry to explore its potential for storytelling, emotional resonance, and intellectual stimulation. The poems within this anthology challenge the notion that poetry is an elitist or obscure art form, instead providing a welcoming entry point for all readers, regardless of their prior experience with poetry. Through its inclusive approach, the book aims to broaden the audience for poetry and demonstrate its relevance in everyday life.

    The 7193rd Greatest Book of All Time