Anya Seton

Anya Seton was an American author of historical romances, best known for her novels 'Katherine' and 'The Winthrop Woman'. Her works are celebrated for their meticulous research and vivid storytelling.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Dragonwyck

    Set in the 1840s, the novel follows Miranda Wells, a young woman from a modest farming family who is swept into the world of the wealthy and enigmatic Van Ryns when she is invited to their opulent Hudson Valley estate, Dragonwyck. As Miranda becomes enamored with the luxurious lifestyle and the charming but imperious patroon, Nicholas Van Ryn, she soon discovers that the glittering façade of Dragonwyck conceals dark secrets and psychological twists. Amidst a backdrop of social change and Gothic mystery, Miranda must navigate her way through a maze of romance, obsession, and the struggle for power, ultimately confronting the dangerous consequences of her own ambitions and desires.

    The 4674th Greatest Book of All Time
  2. 2. Katherine

    The novel is a historical romance that brings to life the true story of Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt, set against the backdrop of 14th-century England. It follows the life of Katherine, a young woman of modest birth who rises to prominence through her enduring and controversial love affair with the Duke of Lancaster, one of the most powerful nobles of the time. Their relationship endures trials, social scorn, and political upheaval, ultimately shaping the course of English history through their descendants, who become the Tudor dynasty. The book weaves a rich tapestry of love, betrayal, and resilience, capturing the tumultuous era with vivid detail and emotional depth.

    The 4901st Greatest Book of All Time