Ellen Raskin

Ellen Raskin was an American writer, illustrator, and fashion designer. She is best known for her 1978 Newbery Medal-winning mystery novel 'The Westing Game'.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Westing Game

    In this mystery novel, a diverse group of tenants at the Sunset Towers apartment building is drawn into a complex game when the wealthy and eccentric Samuel W. Westing dies and names them as potential heirs to his fortune. The will sets them into pairs and provides cryptic clues leading to the supposed murderer among them, promising the entire estate to whoever solves the puzzle. As the pairs race to unravel the mystery, they uncover secrets about themselves and each other, leading to personal growth and unexpected alliances. The game is afoot with twists and turns, ultimately revealing the true nature of the legacy and the mastermind behind the elaborate ruse.

    The 2304th Greatest Book of All Time