J. L. Talmon

Jacob Leib Talmon was an Israeli historian and professor, known for his works on the history of political thought. He is particularly noted for his analysis of totalitarian democracy and his contributions to the understanding of modern political ideologies.


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  1. 1. The Origins Of Totalitarian Democracy

    The book explores the historical development of the concept of totalitarian democracy, a political system that combines an official ideology with an authoritarian regime, claiming to represent the will of the people. It delves into the paradoxical nature of this form of government, which seeks to achieve a utopian ideal of democracy through undemocratic means. The author traces the roots of this phenomenon back to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, examining the ideological underpinnings and the evolution of political thought that led to the emergence of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century. The work is a critical analysis of how revolutionary movements can devolve into oppressive systems that justify their actions in the name of democracy and the public good.

    The 3285th Greatest Book of All Time