Lewis Shiner

Lewis Shiner is an American writer known for his works in speculative fiction, including science fiction, fantasy, and cyberpunk. He is a part of the literary movement known as the 'Mirrorshades Group' and has written several novels and short stories.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Glimpses

    "Glimpses" is a speculative fiction novel that delves into the poignant journey of a man who discovers he has the extraordinary ability to travel back in time through his intense connection to music. Struggling with personal loss and a yearning for what might have been, he uses this gift to attempt to heal the wounds of the past by seeking out legendary rock musicians and helping them complete their most famous unfinished albums. As he navigates the complexities of the past and the intricacies of the music industry, he learns profound lessons about life, loss, and the transformative power of music, ultimately finding a deeper understanding of his own reality and the missed opportunities within it.

    The 10556th Greatest Book of All Time