Fletcher Pratt

Fletcher Pratt was an American writer of science fiction, fantasy, and history. He is best known for his collaborations with L. Sprague de Camp, particularly the Harold Shea series, and for his historical works on naval warfare.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Well Of The Unicorn

    The book is a high fantasy novel that follows the journey of Airar Alvarson, a young man from a conquered land who becomes embroiled in a complex struggle for freedom against an oppressive empire. As he navigates through political intrigue and war, Airar discovers an ancient artifact, the titular well, which is believed to grant immense power to those who possess it. Throughout his quest, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, including rebels, sorcerers, and warriors, all while grappling with the moral ambiguities of rebellion and the true cost of liberty. The narrative delves into themes of power, leadership, and the nature of good and evil, set against a richly detailed fantasy world with its own history, culture, and magic system.

    The 3406th Greatest Book of All Time