A. J. A. Symons

A. J. A. Symons was a British author and biographer known for his meticulous research and engaging writing style. He is best known for his biography 'The Quest for Corvo,' which explores the life of the enigmatic writer Frederick Rolfe.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Quest For Corvo

    The book is a genre-blending biography that follows the author's obsessive search to uncover the life of an enigmatic and relatively obscure writer. Through a series of interviews, letters, and pieced-together anecdotes, the biographer delves into the complex character of his subject, a man of great talent and creativity who nonetheless struggled with personal demons and societal rejection. The narrative is as much about the biographer's journey and the process of biographical discovery as it is about the eccentric and troubled life of the writer himself, presenting a unique and engaging exploration of identity, legacy, and the nature of biographical pursuit.

    The 2344th Greatest Book of All Time