Walter Scheidel

Walter Scheidel is an Austrian historian who specializes in ancient history and historical demography. He is a professor at Stanford University and has written extensively on the economic and social history of the Roman Empire.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Great Leveler : Violence And The History Of Inequality From The Stone Age To The Twenty First Century

    This book delves into the historical patterns of inequality, arguing that significant reductions in inequality have only ever been brought about by cataclysmic events, which the author terms as the "Four Horsemen": war, revolution, state collapse, and plague. Through a comprehensive examination of societal structures from the Stone Age to the modern era, it presents a compelling case that peaceful reforms have rarely led to lasting decreases in inequality. The work challenges readers to confront the uncomfortable reality that significant improvements in equality have often been forged in the crucible of immense human suffering, thereby questioning the prospects for achieving future equality without such extreme catalysts.

    The 9341st Greatest Book of All Time