Robert Bolt

Robert Bolt was an English playwright and screenwriter, known for works such as 'A Man for All Seasons' and 'Lawrence of Arabia'.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. A Man For All Seasons

    "A Man For All Seasons" is a compelling play that dramatizes the conflict between King Henry VIII and Sir Thomas More. It portrays More's moral and legal struggle against the King's desire to divorce his wife and marry another in order to produce a male heir. As the story unfolds, More's steadfast ethical integrity leads to his downfall, as he chooses to remain true to his principles despite the personal risks. His refusal to endorse the King's wish ultimately costs him his position, his freedom, and even his life. The play explores themes of morality, power, and the consequences of standing by one's beliefs in the face of governmental pressure.

    The 8259th Greatest Book of All Time