James Jeans

Sir James Hopwood Jeans was an English physicist, astronomer, and mathematician. He made significant contributions to the fields of quantum theory, the theory of radiation, and stellar evolution. Jeans is also known for his popular science books which made complex scientific concepts accessible to the general public.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Mysterious Universe

    "The Mysterious Universe" explores the profound and often challenging concepts of astronomy and physics, presenting them in a manner accessible to the general reader. The book delves into the nature of the cosmos, the peculiarities of the quantum world, and the philosophical implications of scientific discoveries. It discusses how these discoveries have shifted our understanding of the universe from a mechanistic to a more mysterious, almost mystical view. The text is enriched with discussions on the limitations of human knowledge and the role of the scientist in a rapidly expanding universe of knowledge.

    The 9905th Greatest Book of All Time