Georges Sorel

Georges Sorel was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. He is best known for his work 'Reflections on Violence,' which is considered a seminal text in the study of social movements and political theory.


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  1. 1. Reflections On Violence

    "Reflections on Violence" is a philosophical treatise that explores the role of violence in achieving social transformation and the establishment of a proletarian state. The author argues that the conventional ethical and legal frameworks of society are inadequate for the working class to achieve real power. Instead, he advocates for the use of violence as a necessary and morally justifiable means for the proletariat to overthrow capitalist systems. Central to his thesis is the concept of the "general strike," which he sees as an expression of pure proletarian violence and a direct action that can inspire unity and revolutionary fervor among the working class, ultimately leading to the collapse of the existing social order and the creation of a new socialist society.

    The 5535th Greatest Book of All Time