Ernest Becker

Ernest Becker was a cultural anthropologist and interdisciplinary thinker, known for his work in existential psychology and the study of human nature. He is best known for his 1974 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, 'The Denial of Death,' which explores the human awareness of mortality and its effects on behavior.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Denial of Death

    "The Denial of Death" is a thought-provoking examination of the influence of death on human behavior and society. The author argues that the fear of death is a primary motivator in human life, influencing our actions, beliefs, and relationships. He explores how culture and religion are often mechanisms to deny and transcend the reality of death, offering symbolic immortality through beliefs in the afterlife or in the enduring impact of one's life work. The book also delves into the psychological impact of this denial and the concept of the "heroic individual" who seeks to leave a lasting legacy.

    The 10168th Greatest Book of All Time