Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. He served both as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. Bacon is best known for his promotion of the scientific method and has been called the father of empiricism.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Essays

    This collection is a seminal work of English literature, comprising a series of essays that delve into various subjects, ranging from politics and religion to love and truth. Written in the early 17th century, the essays are celebrated for their concise wisdom, rhetorical brilliance, and the author's deep insights into human nature and the complexities of life. The author, a philosopher, statesman, and scientist, employs a didactic style, offering practical advice and reflections on morality and ethics, which have remained relevant through the ages. The work is not only a reflection of the author's vast intellect and observational prowess but also serves as a valuable philosophical guide, illuminating the human condition and the societal norms of his time.

    The 1725th Greatest Book of All Time
  2. 2. Novum Organum

    This book is a philosophical work that presents a new method of acquiring knowledge and understanding the natural world, rejecting the traditional methods of the time. The author argues that human understanding is hindered by certain 'idols' or false notions, and proposes an inductive, experimental method, known as the 'Baconian method', which involves gathering data, making observations, and conducting experiments to understand the world. This method is seen as a precursor to the modern scientific method.

    The 2093rd Greatest Book of All Time
  3. 3. New Atlantis

    "New Atlantis" is a utopian novel that explores the fictional island of Bensalem, discovered by a crew of shipwrecked Europeans. The island is home to a society where scientific research and discovery is highly valued, and advancements in technology and science have led to a utopian lifestyle for its inhabitants. The novel explores themes of science, religion, and politics, and presents a vision of an ideal society achieved through knowledge and learning.

    The 3285th Greatest Book of All Time
  4. 4. Advancement Of Learning

    "Advancement of Learning" is a philosophical treatise that explores the limitations and advancements in various fields of learning and knowledge. The work advocates for the empirical approach to scientific inquiry, emphasizing observation and experimentation as the core methods for gaining true understanding. The author critiques the prevailing scholastic education system, which he finds overly reliant on tradition and the authority of ancient texts. He proposes a new methodological framework for learning, which later influenced the development of the scientific method. This treatise is a foundational text in the philosophy of science, promoting the idea that knowledge should progress through inductive reasoning and the systematic collection of facts.

    The 9905th Greatest Book of All Time