Ayi K. Armah

Ayi Kwei Armah is a Ghanaian writer best known for his novels, including 'The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born' and 'Two Thousand Seasons'. His works often explore themes of post-colonial Africa, corruption, and the search for identity.


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  1. 1. The Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born

    The novel explores the life of a railway clerk in Ghana who refuses to accept the corruption that is rife in his society. Despite his family's struggles with poverty, he remains steadfast in his moral convictions, rejecting the easy path of bribery and deception. The protagonist's integrity contrasts sharply with the greed and materialism of his peers, providing a stark commentary on post-colonial African society. The book is a powerful critique of corruption and a testament to the strength of individual integrity.

    The 1074th Greatest Book of All Time