Ivy Compton-Burnett

Ivy Compton-Burnett was a British novelist known for her distinctive dialogue-driven style and her exploration of family dynamics and power structures. Her works often focus on the complexities of domestic life and the subtleties of human relationships.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Manservant And Maidservant

    In this incisive novel, readers are introduced to the tyrannical Horace Lamb, who rules over his household and children with an iron fist, reveling in the power he wields and the misery he inflicts. However, the dynamics within the Lamb household begin to shift with the arrival of new servants and the evolving attitudes of his children, leading to unexpected alliances and revelations. Through sharp dialogue and keen observations, the narrative delves into themes of power, rebellion, and the complexities of human relationships, set against the backdrop of a traditional British household. The story masterfully explores the subtle forms of resistance against oppressive authority, and the possibility of change in even the most rigid structures.

    The 4162nd Greatest Book of All Time
  2. 2. A Heritage And Its History

    This novel delves into the complex dynamics of the Clare family, living in a large country house in England between the two World Wars. At the heart of the story is Simon Clare, who, upon learning that he is not the biological son of his father, faces an identity crisis that sends ripples through the family. The narrative explores themes of inheritance, legitimacy, and the rigid social structures of the time, as Simon grapples with his place in the family and society. The book is known for its sharp dialogue, psychological depth, and the portrayal of family life in a changing world.

    The 5969th Greatest Book of All Time
  3. 3. Elders And Betters

    "Elders and Betters" delves into the dynamics of a traditional English family, where the authoritarian and often tyrannical patriarch presides over a household teeming with suppressed emotions and unspoken tensions. The novel, known for its sharp dialogue and incisive wit, meticulously dissects the complexities of familial relationships, exploring themes of power, control, and the social expectations of the time. As family members navigate their roles within the rigid hierarchy, the story reveals the intricate ways in which individuals both conform to and rebel against the constraints imposed upon them by their elders, ultimately painting a rich portrait of intergenerational conflict and the quest for personal autonomy.

    The 5969th Greatest Book of All Time
  4. 4. Mother And Son

    "Mother And Son" is a compelling novel that explores the complex relationship between a mother and her son. Set in a wealthy English family, the story delves into the psychological dynamics of their interactions, revealing the deep-seated resentments and manipulations that exist beneath the surface. Through sharp dialogue and intricate character development, the author skillfully portrays the power struggles and emotional turmoil that arise as the son attempts to break free from his mother's suffocating influence.

    The 7988th Greatest Book of All Time