Archie Brown

Archie Brown is a British political scientist and historian, known for his expertise on Soviet and Russian politics. He has authored several influential books on the subject, including 'The Rise and Fall of Communism' and 'The Myth of the Strong Leader'.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Myth Of The Strong Leader

    This book critically examines the widespread belief that strong, dominant leadership is the most effective form of governance, arguing instead for the value of leaders who are collaborative, collegial, and democratic. Through a comprehensive analysis of political leaders across different eras and countries, the work challenges the conventional wisdom that the most successful leaders are those who wield power in an autocratic or charismatic manner. Instead, it posits that truly transformative leaders are those who prioritize the empowerment of their teams and the broader populace, demonstrating that effective leadership is less about consolidating power in the hands of the few and more about distributing it in a way that fosters collective progress and democratic engagement.

    The 9603rd Greatest Book of All Time