Thomas Bernhard

Thomas Bernhard was an Austrian novelist, playwright, and poet. He is widely considered one of the most important German-speaking authors of the postwar era. His work is characterized by a pessimistic, satirical tone and often deals with individuals in psychological distress, struggling against a society that is indifferent or hostile. Bernhard's prose is notable for its innovative style, with complex sentences and a lack of paragraph breaks. His most famous works include 'Frost', 'The Lime Works', 'Correction', and 'Woodcutters'.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Correction

    "Correction" is a complex narrative revolving around the life of a man named Roithamer, a genius obsessed with constructing an architectural masterpiece, the Cone, in the center of the Kobernausser forest. The story is told through the perspective of his friend who is reading Roithamer's notes after his suicide. The novel explores themes of obsession, isolation, and the pursuit of perfection, while also delving into the protagonist's troubled relationships with his family and society.

  2. 2. Extinction

    "Extinction" is a novel that explores the dark and complex themes of family, identity, and history through the eyes of its protagonist, a professor living in Rome. When he receives news of the deaths of his parents and brother in a car accident, he is forced to confront his past and his Austrian heritage. The narrative delves into his thoughts and feelings, his criticisms of his family and society, and his philosophical musings on life and death, all while he prepares to return to his family's estate for the funeral. The novel is renowned for its dense, stream-of-consciousness style and its unflinching examination of the human condition.

  3. 3. Woodcutters

    Woodcutters is a darkly humorous critique of Vienna's artistic elite. The story takes place over the course of a single evening, as the narrator attends a dinner party in honor of a recently successful actor. As the evening progresses, he reflects on the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of the guests, the mediocrity of their artistic achievements, and the tragic suicide of his former lover. The novel is a scathing indictment of the vanity and self-delusion of the artistic community.

  4. 4. Concrete

    The book is a darkly introspective narrative that delves into the mind of a reclusive, obsessive intellectual who is struggling to complete his scholarly work on the composer Mendelssohn. As he grapples with his own ailments and the perceived mediocrity of his surroundings, the protagonist's stream-of-consciousness monologue reveals his deep-seated anxieties, self-loathing, and profound isolation. The narrative is a relentless examination of the protagonist's psyche, showcasing his critical view of society and his own personal relationships, which are fraught with tension and dysfunction. Through this, the novel explores themes of artistic creation, intellectual elitism, and the suffocating nature of expectations and familial obligations.

  5. 5. Wittgenstein's Nephew

    "Wittgenstein's Nephew" is a semi-autobiographical novel that explores the friendship between the narrator and his friend Paul, who is the nephew of the famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. The story takes place in Vienna and is set against the backdrop of the Austrian mental health system. The novel delves into themes of sanity, insanity, and the fine line that separates the two, while also offering a critique of Austrian society. It is a meditation on the nature of illness, both physical and mental, and the impact it has on personal relationships and one's perception of the world.

  6. 6. The Loser

    "The Loser" is a philosophical novel that revolves around the complex relationship between three friends who are all piano virtuosos. The narrative is driven by the protagonist's obsession with his friend's suicide, which he believes was triggered by the realization that they could never surpass the genius of their third friend. The book delves into the protagonist's psyche as he grapples with themes of talent, ambition, failure, and the destructive power of comparison.