The Greatest "Chivalry" Books of All Time

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The "Chivalry" category in literature encompasses works that delve into the romanticized ideals and customs of the medieval knightly class. These narratives often focus on themes such as honor, courtly love, bravery, and the quest for glory, reflecting the moral and social codes that knights were expected to uphold. The genre typically features tales of gallant knights embarking on noble quests, engaging in tournaments, and performing acts of valor, often in service to a lady or sovereign. Chivalric literature can include historical accounts, fictional stories like Arthurian legends, and instructional texts that guide the behavior of knights both in warfare and in courtly settings. Through these stories, readers are transported to a time where the virtues of chivalry were celebrated and aspired to, providing a window into the medieval imagination and its ideals of nobility and heroism.

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  1. 1. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

    This classic novel follows the adventures of a man who, driven mad by reading too many chivalric romances, decides to become a knight-errant and roam the world righting wrongs under the name Don Quixote. Accompanied by his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, he battles windmills he believes to be giants and champions the virtuous lady Dulcinea, who is in reality a simple peasant girl. The book is a richly layered critique of the popular literature of Cervantes' time and a profound exploration of reality and illusion, madness and sanity.

  2. 2. The Once and Future King by T. H. White

    This novel is a retelling of the Arthurian legend, from Arthur's childhood tutelage under the wizard Merlyn to his eventual death. The story follows Arthur's journey from a naive boy to a wise and just king, his establishment of the Round Table, his marriage to Guinevere, and his complex relationship with his illegitimate son, Mordred. The narrative explores themes of power, justice, war, and human nature, offering a nuanced and humanizing portrayal of a well-known mythical figure.

  3. 3. Ivanhoe by Walter Scott

    Set in 12th-century England, the novel follows the story of Wilfred of Ivanhoe, a young Saxon knight, returning from the Crusades. He is disowned by his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The narrative encompasses themes of chivalry, rivalry, and the struggle between Saxons and Normans, while also highlighting the tension between Jews and Christians. The tale is known for its action-filled tournaments, sieges, and the character of Rebecca, a virtuous and strong Jewish woman.

  4. 4. Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory

    This classic work is a compilation of stories and legends about the legendary King Arthur, his knights, and the Round Table. It tells of Arthur's rise to power, his quest for the Holy Grail, and his tragic downfall. The book, written in the 15th century, is considered one of the most influential pieces of Arthurian literature and has significantly shaped the modern perception of Arthur, Merlin, Guinevere, Lancelot, and other iconic characters.

  5. 5. The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser

    "The Faerie Queene" is an epic allegorical poem that follows several medieval knights, representing various virtues, as they navigate quests assigned by the Faerie Queene. The narrative is deeply imbued with Christian symbolism and Elizabethan political allegory. Each book in the series focuses on a particular virtue and the knight who embodies it, presenting a complex, interconnected tapestry of moral, ethical, and political conduct. The poem is renowned for its intricate allegories, rich characterization, and the creation of a unique verse form known as the Spenserian stanza.

  6. 6. Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

    This book is a semi-autobiographical account of the author's experiences as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before the American Civil War. It provides a detailed and humorous depiction of life and society along the river, including the author's own journey from an eager young apprentice to a seasoned riverboat pilot. The book also includes a travelogue of a journey down the Mississippi River much later in life, offering a look at the dramatic changes brought about by industrialization and the Civil War.

  7. 7. Parzival by Wolfram Eschenbach

    "Parzival" is a medieval epic poem that tells the story of a young man's journey from ignorance and folly to wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. The titular character, raised in isolation by his mother, ventures out into the world completely unaware of its ways. His journey leads him to King Arthur's court, where he becomes a knight and embarks on various adventures, including the quest for the Holy Grail. The narrative explores themes of chivalry, courtly love, and the struggle between faith and reason.

  8. 8. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Simon Armitage

    The book is a modern translation of a 14th century alliterative poem, which tells the story of Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table. The story begins when a mysterious Green Knight arrives at Arthur's court, challenging the knights to a beheading game. Gawain accepts the challenge and beheads the Green Knight, who surprisingly survives and tells Gawain to seek him out a year later to return the blow. The book follows Gawain's journey, filled with trials and temptations, as he tries to fulfill his promise to the Green Knight, maintaining his honor and chivalry.

  9. 9. The Orlando Furioso by Lodovico Ariosto

    "The Orlando Furioso" is an epic poem that tells the story of Orlando, a knight who falls madly in love with a pagan princess. His unrequited love drives him to madness, causing him to abandon his knightly duties and wander aimlessly. The poem also includes various subplots involving other knights and their adventures, including battles with monsters and sorcerers, quests for magical artifacts, and romantic entanglements. The work is known for its complex structure, richly detailed descriptions, and vividly drawn characters.

  10. 10. The Sword in the Stone by T. H. White

    The book is a magical coming-of-age story set in medieval England, following the adventures of a young boy named Wart who is tutored by the eccentric wizard Merlyn. Through a series of fantastical transformations and experiences, Wart learns valuable lessons about life, leadership, and the world around him. Unbeknownst to him, these lessons are preparing him for his ultimate destiny: to pull a legendary sword from a stone and become the future king of England. The narrative combines humor, philosophy, and mythology to explore themes of education, chivalry, and the making of a hero.

  11. 11. The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott

    "The Talisman" is a historical novel set during the Third Crusade, focusing on the conflict between Richard the Lionheart, King of England, and Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. The story explores themes of chivalry, honor, and the cultural clash between the Christian West and the Islamic East. The plot revolves around a talisman, which is believed to have healing powers, and the knight who is tasked with delivering it to Richard. The novel presents a nuanced view of both sides of the Crusade, highlighting the virtues and flaws of each.

  12. 12. Knight's Wyrd by Debra Doyle

    "Knight's Wyrd" by Debra Doyle is a fantasy novel that follows the story of Randal, a young squire who becomes embroiled in a dangerous political conspiracy. When his knight is murdered, Randal is accused of the crime and must flee for his life. Along the way, he meets a mysterious woman named Lady Brenna who helps him uncover the truth behind the murder and the conspiracy that threatens the kingdom. With magic, sword fights, and political intrigue, "Knight's Wyrd" is an exciting adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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