The Greatest "Political, Nonfiction" Books Since 1950

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The "Political" category of books encompasses works that explore the theory, practice, and history of government and politics. These books may cover topics such as political ideologies, political systems, political institutions, political movements, and political leaders. They may also examine the relationship between politics and other areas of society, such as economics, culture, and international relations. Political books can be both informative and thought-provoking, offering readers insights into the complexities of the political world and the challenges of governing in a democratic society.


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  1. 1. The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith

    "The Affluent Society" is a socio-economic critique that challenges the conventional wisdom of the time that economic growth leads to public wealth. The author argues that in reality, the increasing wealth of the United States has led to greater private affluence but public squalor due to inadequate investment in public goods and services. He proposes that society should strive for sustainable development rather than unlimited material advancement. The book has been influential in economic thought, particularly in the areas of public policy and consumer behavior.

  2. 2. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt

    The book explores the roots of totalitarian systems, particularly focusing on Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. It delves into the historical, social, and political circumstances that led to the rise of these oppressive regimes, including anti-Semitism, imperialism, and the decline of the nation-state. The author further discusses the nature of power, the role of propaganda, and the manipulation of the masses in these systems, providing a comprehensive analysis of totalitarianism.

  3. 3. All the President's Men by Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein

    "All the President's Men" is a non-fiction book that details the investigative journalism conducted by two reporters who uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that led to President Nixon's resignation. The book provides a detailed account of the reporters' struggles to uncover the truth, the obstacles they faced, their persistence, and the ultimate revelation of a political scandal that shook the United States.

  4. 4. The Making of the English Working Class by E. P. Thompson

    This book is a comprehensive historical analysis of the formation of the English working class from the late 18th century to the mid-19th century. The author meticulously examines various aspects of society including the Industrial Revolution, the rise of Methodism, and political movements, arguing that the working class was not a byproduct of economic factors alone, but was actively self-formed through struggles over issues like workers' rights and political representation. The book is widely regarded as a seminal text in social history due to its focus on the experiences and agency of ordinary people.

  5. 5. The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs

    This book is a critique of 1950s urban planning policy, which it holds responsible for the decline of many city neighborhoods in the United States. The author argues that modernist urban planning rejects the city, because it rejects human beings living in a community characterized by layered complexity and seeming chaos. The book introduces groundbreaking ideas about how cities function, evolve and fail, providing a new perspective on the essentials of vibrant city life. The author also provides concrete examples of the unexpected consequences of urban renewal.

  6. 6. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

    This graphic novel is a memoir that provides a personal account of the author's childhood and young adult years in Iran during and after the Islamic revolution. The story portrays the impact of war, political upheaval, and religious extremism on ordinary people, while also exploring themes of identity, resilience, and the power of storytelling. Despite the harsh realities the protagonist faces, the narrative also includes moments of humor and warmth, providing a nuanced view of life in Iran during this tumultuous period.

  7. 7. Orientalism by Edward W. Said

    This book is a critical examination of Western attitudes towards the East, particularly the Middle East, and how these attitudes have shaped and continue to shape Western policies and perceptions. The author argues that the West has a long history of viewing the East as the "other," exotic and inferior, and that this view has been institutionalized through academic disciplines, literature, and media. This "Orientalism," as the author calls it, has served to justify colonialism and imperialism, and continues to influence Western attitudes and policies towards the East today.

  8. 8. Collected Essays of George Orwell by George Orwell

    This book is a compilation of essays by a renowned author, known for his sharp wit and critical eye. It covers a wide range of topics, from politics and language to literature and culture. The author's insightful and often provocative viewpoints provide a unique perspective on the world, challenging readers to question their own beliefs and assumptions. His straightforward writing style and keen observations make these essays as relevant today as when they were first published.

  9. 9. The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer

    This book is a seminal feminist text that explores the oppression of women in society. It critiques the traditional roles and expectations of women in the mid-20th century, arguing that societal norms and conventions force women into a secondary, submissive role, effectively castrating them. The book encourages women to reject these norms and to embrace their own sexual liberation, arguing for the need for a revolution in the way women perceive themselves and their place in society.

  10. 10. Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin

    This book is a collection of essays that vividly capture the author's life in Harlem, his travels in Europe, and his views on everything from the sweet music of black church revivals to the biting prejudice of the 'then' contemporary world. It's an exploration of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in both Western societies and the American society. The author's reflections on his experiences as a black man in white America are profoundly insightful and continue to resonate today.

  11. 11. Quotations from Chairman Mao by Mao

    This book is a collection of speeches and writings by the former leader of the People's Republic of China. It covers a wide range of topics including communism, revolution, class struggle, and the correct handling of contradictions among the people. The book was published with the intention of promoting the leader's ideology and was widely distributed during the Cultural Revolution. It was considered an essential guide to life and politics in China during this period.

  12. 12. Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

    This book explores the role of competitive capitalism - the organization of the bulk of economic activity through private enterprise operating in a free market - as both a device for achieving economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom. The author further examines how freedom could be preserved in a society where the roles and importance of government are ever expanding, and presents his view on topics such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, education, discrimination, and the alleviation of poverty.

  13. 13. The Power Broker by Robert Caro

    This book is a biography of Robert Moses, a powerful figure in New York City and state politics, who wielded immense influence over the urban development of the area in the mid-20th century. Despite never holding elected office, Moses was responsible for the creation of numerous parks, highways, bridges, and public works throughout the city and state. The book delves into the methods Moses used to achieve and maintain his power, his impact on the city, and the controversial legacy he left behind.

  14. 14. The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould

    The book is a critical analysis of the history of scientific racism and biological determinism, the belief that social and economic differences among human races, sexes, and classes are inheritable, inevitable, and natural. It challenges the idea that intelligence can be measured accurately and placed in a single, linear scale. The author refutes the arguments of those who support these theories, arguing that they are based on flawed methodologies, biased data, and unverifiable assumptions. Instead, he proposes that intelligence is multifaceted and cannot be quantified simplistically.

  15. 15. The Liberal Imagination by Lionel Trilling

    "The Liberal Imagination" is a collection of essays that scrutinize and challenge the ideas, politics, and cultural norms of liberal society. The author argues that liberalism often simplifies complex issues and overlooks the inherent contradictions and conflicts in human life. Using literature as a tool, he delves into the nuances of these issues and encourages readers to engage in critical thinking and self-examination. The book is a profound exploration of the strengths and weaknesses of liberal thought and its impact on society.

  16. 16. The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz

    This book is a profound and vivid exploration of Mexico's character, culture, and identity. The author delves into Mexico's history, politics, and psyche, examining the country's deep solitude and its impact on the national character. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of Mexican society, its myths, symbols, and rituals, offering a deep understanding of the Mexican people's unique way of perceiving the world. It also discusses the influence of the United States on Mexico and the complex relationship between the two countries.

  17. 17. A Theory of Justice by John Rawls

    This book presents a seminal work in modern political philosophy, where the author proposes a model of justice that, despite being egalitarian, respects individual rights. The author's "veil of ignorance" thought experiment, which suggests designing society from an original position where no one knows their future place in society, has been particularly influential. The author argues that this would lead to a system where each individual is assured basic liberties and socio-economic inequalities are only allowed if they benefit the least advantaged members of society.

  18. 18. The Constitution of Liberty by Friedrich von Hayek

    This book is a comprehensive analysis of the concept of liberty, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom in political, societal, and economic contexts. The author argues that a free society, where individuals can act according to their own decisions and plans, is the most effective system for human progress. He also explores the relationship between law and liberty, the role of government in a free society, and the challenges to liberty posed by concepts such as social and economic justice.

  19. 19. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt

    This book is a thought-provoking exploration of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a major organizer of the Holocaust. The author argues that Eichmann was not a fanatical ideologue, but rather an ordinary individual who simply followed orders and bureaucratic procedures, highlighting the terrifying potential for evil in any system that values obedience over personal responsibility. The concept of the "banality of evil" is introduced, suggesting that horrific acts can be committed by ordinary people under certain conditions.

  20. 20. The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

    This book is a psychological and political analysis of the dehumanizing effects of colonization upon the individual and the nation. It provides a clear, passionate condemnation of colonialism and its legacy, arguing that violence is a necessary component of decolonization. The author also discusses the challenges that newly independent nations face, including the struggle to establish a national culture and the threat of neocolonialism.

  21. 21. Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E. F. Schumacher

    This book is a collection of essays that challenge the established economic paradigm, arguing for a shift towards smaller, more sustainable systems. The author criticizes conventional capitalism for its focus on profit and growth, suggesting instead that economies should prioritize human well-being and environmental health. He presents a vision of "Buddhist economics," where work is viewed as a means to personal development and fulfillment, not just income generation. The book also offers practical solutions for implementing this new economic model, such as decentralization, appropriate technologies, and renewable energy.

  22. 22. Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy

    This book highlights the stories of eight U.S. Senators who displayed immense courage and integrity in the face of pressure from their parties and constituents. The author examines their acts of bravery and principle, often leading to severe consequences in their personal and political lives. The book aims to inspire readers with historical examples of political courage, emphasizing the importance of individual action for the collective good.

  23. 23. The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin

    This book is a powerful exploration of race relations in America in the early 1960s. The author presents his experiences and observations in the form of two essays. The first is a letter to his 14-year-old nephew, discussing the role of race in American history. The second essay takes a broader look at the civil rights movement and the author's own experiences with religion and identity. Throughout, the author presents a passionate plea for the recognition of the humanity and dignity of all people, regardless of race.

  24. 24. The Rebel by Albert Camus

    "The Rebel" is a philosophical exploration of rebellion and revolution. It dissects the nature and origins of rebellion, arguing that it arises from a basic human refusal to accept injustice. The book delves into the many forms rebellion can take, from personal revolt to political revolution, and examines the consequences and ethics of each. The author also critically evaluates the rebellious attitudes of various historical figures and movements, highlighting the potential for rebellion to either affirm or destroy human dignity.

  25. 25. The American Way of Death by Jessica Mitford

    This book is a critical examination of the funeral industry in the United States. The author explores the various ways in which the industry exploits the grief and vulnerability of the bereaved to upsell expensive services and merchandise, often with little regard for the actual needs or desires of the deceased or their loved ones. She also delves into the cultural and societal norms around death and burial in America, questioning their origins and the extent to which they are perpetuated by the industry for profit.

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