Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria is an Indian-American journalist, political scientist, and author. He is the host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes a weekly column for The Washington Post. Zakaria has also authored several books on international relations and global politics.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Post American World

    This book explores the shifting landscape of global power, emphasizing the rise of countries like China and India, and the relative decline of American dominance in economic, political, and cultural terms. The author argues that we are transitioning into a "post-American" world, where the United States will remain a vital player but will no longer hold unrivaled supremacy. Through insightful analysis, the book examines the implications of this shift for international relations, global governance, and the global economy, advocating for a new approach to American foreign policy that embraces this multipolar reality. The narrative is both a wake-up call and a guide for navigating the complexities of the 21st century's international dynamics.

    The 9068th Greatest Book of All Time