Janet Malcolm
Janet Malcolm was an American writer, journalist, and biographer known for her works on the ethics of journalism and psychoanalysis. She was a longtime contributor to The New Yorker and authored several influential books, including 'The Journalist and the Murderer' and 'In the Freud Archives.'
This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.
1. The Journalist and the Murderer
The book is a gripping exploration of the uneasy relationship between journalists and their subjects. It delves into the ethical dilemmas faced by journalists when they become too involved with their subjects. The narrative centers around a lawsuit between a convicted murderer and the author who wrote about his case, revealing the blurred lines between objectivity and subjectivity in journalism. The book also raises questions about the morality and responsibility of the journalistic profession.
The 2189th Greatest Book of All Time -
2. In The Freud Archives
The Story of a Scientific Rivalry and the Clash of Personalities
"In the Freud Archives" is a non-fiction book that delves into the intense and often contentious world of Freudian scholarship. The narrative centers around the controversial figure Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, who was appointed as the projects director of the Sigmund Freud Archives, only to be later ousted amidst scandal. The book explores Masson's radical assertions about Freud's suppression of his seduction theory, his subsequent legal battles, and the broader implications these had on the legacy of Freud's work. Through detailed reporting and interviews, the book provides a gripping look at the politics and personalities involved in the stewardship of Freud's intellectual heritage.
The 10543rd Greatest Book of All Time