Maksim Gorky

Maksim Gorky, born Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov on March 28, 1868, was a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method, and a political activist. He was a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gorky's most famous works include 'The Lower Depths', 'My Childhood', 'Mother', and 'Summerfolk'. His writing style was characterized by its vivid characters, depiction of the lives of the lower classes, and criticism of the socio-political system of Russia. Gorky was closely associated with the Bolsheviks and supported the Russian Revolution of 1917, but he became increasingly disillusioned with the Soviet regime, particularly after the rise of Joseph Stalin. He died on June 18, 1936, under suspicious circumstances.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Mother

    This novel centers around a working-class Russian woman who becomes involved in revolutionary activities after witnessing the struggles and injustices faced by her son and his comrades. Despite her initial fear and hesitation, she evolves into a dedicated activist, smuggling illegal literature and participating in strikes. The narrative provides a powerful exploration of the personal and societal transformations brought about by political activism, set against the backdrop of pre-revolutionary Russia.

  2. 2. The Artamonov Business

    "The Artamonov Business" is a multi-generational saga that follows the rise and fall of a Russian family's business empire from the 1860s up to the Russian Revolution. The narrative explores the dynamics of the Artamonov family, their personal struggles, moral dilemmas, and the impact of their actions on those around them. The story also provides a critical examination of the socio-economic changes in Russia during this period, highlighting the transformation from a feudal society to a more capitalist one and the accompanying moral decay.

  3. 3. The Lower Depths

    The book is a stark depiction of the lives of the impoverished and dispossessed at the bottom of the Russian social ladder in the early 20th century. Set in a squalid shelter, it presents a group of destitute individuals from various backgrounds—thieves, prostitutes, and the down-and-out—who share their stories and philosophies as they grapple with the harsh realities of poverty and survival. The narrative delves into themes of human suffering, the struggle for dignity, and the elusive nature of truth, offering a grim commentary on the social conditions of the time and the human condition itself.

  4. 4. Creatures that Once Were Men

    "Creatures that Once Were Men" is a collection of short stories that depict the harsh realities of life in the lower classes of Russian society. The stories are set in a night refuge for the homeless, where the characters, despite their grim circumstances, strive to maintain their humanity. Through their struggles, the author explores themes of poverty, addiction, despair, and the human spirit's resilience.

  5. 5. Reminiscences Of Tolstoy, Chekhov, And Andreev

    This book is a collection of personal memories and impressions by a prominent Russian author who had the opportunity to interact closely with three of the most illustrious literary figures of his time. Through a series of vivid anecdotes and reflective observations, the author offers intimate insights into the personalities, philosophies, and daily lives of these great writers. His narrative not only sheds light on their creative processes and the milieu in which they worked but also humanizes these larger-than-life figures, revealing their quirks, their passions, and their interactions with the world around them. The work stands as a significant historical document, capturing the essence of an era in Russian literature and the enduring spirits of its most celebrated contributors.

  6. 6. Autobiography

    The book is a powerful and evocative memoir that chronicles the harsh and often brutal life of a Russian writer who rose from poverty to become one of the most celebrated literary figures of his time. It vividly portrays his early years, marked by relentless adversity, including childhood experiences with abusive relatives and his eventual escape into a life of vagrancy, where he encountered a diverse array of characters and harsh realities. Through his journey, the author reflects on the social injustices and the plight of the lower classes in Tsarist Russia, all while developing his own intellectual and political consciousness. His narrative is not only a personal story of survival and self-education but also a window into the societal conditions that would eventually lead to the Russian Revolution.