Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany is an acclaimed American author, professor, and literary critic. Born on April 1, 1942, in Harlem, New York, he is known for his significant works in science fiction, with novels such as 'Babel-17', 'The Einstein Intersection', and the 'Nevaÿon' series. Delany's writing is noted for its exploration of complex social and sexual themes. He has won multiple Hugo and Nebula awards for his contributions to the genre and is recognized for his influence on the field of speculative fiction.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Dhalgren

    The novel follows the journey of a poet with amnesia, known only as the Kid, through a dystopian city named Bellona. The city has been isolated from the rest of the world following a catastrophic event of unknown origin. The Kid navigates through a society where time, identity, and reality are all fluid, engaging with various groups of outcasts and explorers. The narrative is marked by its experimental style, incorporating elements of science fiction, surrealism, and metafiction.

  2. 2. The Einstein Intersection

    The novel is a unique blend of science fiction and mythology, set in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by an alien race that has taken on the forms and behaviors of humanity based on our myths and legends. The protagonist, a being named Lobey, embarks on a hero's journey, reminiscent of Orpheus's quest, to find and resurrect his lost love, Friza. Along the way, he encounters various characters and challenges that draw parallels to figures from classical myths and contemporary culture. The narrative explores themes of identity, transformation, and the nature of humanity through the lens of an alien society striving to understand the remnants of human civilization.

  3. 3. Nova

    "Nova" is a science fiction novel set in a distant future where humanity has colonized different planets. The story follows a young spaceship captain named Lorq Von Ray, who embarks on a dangerous mission to retrieve a rare substance called Illyrion from the heart of a dying star. Along the way, Lorq faces personal challenges, encounters rivalries, and navigates complex relationships, all while exploring themes of identity, power, and the nature of humanity.

  4. 4. Babel-17

    This science fiction novel explores the power of language and its ability to shape reality. Set against the backdrop of an interstellar war, the story follows a renowned poet and cryptographer who is recruited to decipher an alien code, Babel-17, which is believed to be a weaponized form of communication. As she delves deeper into understanding the language, she discovers that it has the ability to alter thought processes and perceptions, leading her to question the nature of her identity and reality itself. The narrative weaves together themes of linguistics, identity, and the complexities of human and alien interaction, culminating in a thought-provoking examination of how language influences thought and society.