Liviu Rebreanu

Liviu Rebreanu was a Romanian novelist, playwright, short story writer, and journalist. He is best known for his novels 'Ion' and 'Forest of the Hanged', which are considered classics of Romanian literature. Rebreanu's work is known for its deep psychological analysis, realism, and exploration of life in the Romanian countryside, as well as the impact of social change on traditional ways of life. His writing often reflects the political and social issues of his time, including the struggles of peasants and the effects of World War I on Romanian society.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Forest of the Hanged

    "Forest of the Hanged" is a gripping novel set during World War I, focusing on a Romanian officer serving in the Austro-Hungarian army who is forced to confront his own morality and identity. After his brother is executed for treason, the protagonist struggles with his loyalty to the army and his inherent connection to his native land, leading to a profound spiritual crisis. The narrative explores themes of nationalism, duty, conscience, and the devastating psychological impact of war.