Milorad Pavic
Milorad Pavić was a Serbian novelist, poet, and short story writer, known for his innovative and unconventional narrative techniques. He is best known for his novel 'Dictionary of the Khazars', which can be read in multiple ways and has been translated into numerous languages.
This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.
1. Dictionary of the Khazars
A Lexicon Novel in 100,000 Words
"Dictionary of the Khazars" is a metaphysical, historical novel written in the form of a lexicon. The book presents three different versions - Christian, Islamic, and Hebrew - of the history of the Khazars, an ancient people who converted to one of these three religions. The novel, filled with dreamlike narratives and fantastical elements, invites the reader to become an active participant, choosing their own path through the non-linear text, and even solving a murder mystery embedded within the story.
The 2903rd Greatest Book of All Time