Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Classic Tribute to Hope from the Holocaust
This book is a memoir written by a psychiatrist who survived the Nazi concentration camps during World War II. The author shares his experiences in the camps and his psychological approach to surviving and finding meaning amidst extreme suffering. He introduces his theory of logotherapy, which suggests that life's primary motivational force is the search for meaning, and argues that even in the most absurd, painful, and dehumanized situation, life can be given meaning.
The 297th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1946
- Nationality
- Austrian
- Type
- Nonfiction
- Pages
- 100-200
- Words
- 42,000
- Original Language
- German
- Alternate Titles
...trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen
El hombre en busca de sentido
La volonté de sens
Psicólogo en un campo de concentración
Un psicólogo en el campo de concentración
Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning
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This book is on the following 10 lists:
- 5th on Ezra Klein Show's Most Recommended Books (Ezra Klein Show)
- 12th on The Greatest Books of All Time (Reader's Digest)
- 102nd on Our Users' Honorable Mention Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
- 249th on Our Users' Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
- 100 Most Influential Books of the Century (Boston Public Library)
- Best Philosophy Books of All Time (Fivebooks)
- 50 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time (Reader's Digest)
- 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime ( (USA))
- Select 100 (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- 100 All-Time Greatest Popular Science Books (Open Education Database)