Tropisms by Nathalie Sarraute
"Tropisms" is a collection of 24 short sketches that delve into the hidden undercurrents of human interactions and the subtle, often unnoticed movements of thought and feeling. The book, often considered a precursor to the nouveau roman literary movement, explores the mundane aspects of everyday life and the psychological complexities beneath them, using a unique, impressionistic style. The term 'tropisms' refers to the instinctive reactions of humans, similar to the biological responses of plants to stimuli.
The 4433rd greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1939
- Nationality
- French
- Type
- Fiction
- Pages
- Unknown
- Words
- Unknown
- Original Language
- French
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 1 lists:
- 73rd on Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century (Le Monde)