The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Unknown

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is a controversial and widely debunked text that purports to describe a global conspiracy by Jews to control the world. This fabricated text, first published in Russia in the early 20th century, has been used throughout history to fuel anti-Semitism and justify persecution of Jews. Despite being exposed as a hoax, the document continues to be cited by some conspiracy theorists and hate groups. It is important to note that the text is widely recognized as a harmful and false piece of propaganda.

The 5524th greatest book of all time

This book is listed due to its significant historical impact and influence in specific contexts, not as an endorsement of its content. It contains offensive and misleading information, and promotes harmful ideologies that contradict values of respect, equality, and peace. Its inclusion is for educational purposes: to understand the historical context, the roots of these ideologies, and to serve as a reminder of the dark chapters of history we must acknowledge and learn from.