De Profundis by Oscar Wilde
"De Profundis" is a lengthy letter written by a man during his imprisonment for gross indecency, reflecting on his past life and experiences. The letter is addressed to his former lover, and through it, he expresses his feelings of regret, despair, and hope. The man discusses his spiritual journey during incarceration, his newfound understanding of suffering, and his changing views on art and morality. The work is a profound exploration of love, forgiveness, redemption, and the human spirit's resilience.
The 1168th greatest book of all time
- Published
- 1905
- Nationality
- British
- Length
- Very Short
- Pages
- 72
- Words
- 22,000
- Original Language
- English
- Alternate Titles
- None
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This book is on the following 5 lists:
- 1999th on Our Users' Honorable Mention Favorite Books of All Time (The Greatest Books Users)
- One Hundred Best Books (1916) (John Cowper Powys)
- The 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time (The Guardian)
- The 100 Greatest Non-Fiction Books (The Guardian)
- The Ultimate Book Bucket List: The 75 Best Books Of All Time (Refinery29)