The Greatest Peruvian "Fiction" Books Since 1970

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  1. 1. The War of the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa

    The book is a historical novel that recounts the War of Canudos, a conflict in late 19th-century Brazil over religious fanaticism, political instability, and social inequality. The story is centered around an apocalyptic movement led by a charismatic, messianic figure who convinces the poor and downtrodden to rise up against the Brazilian government, leading to a brutal and bloody conflict. The book explores themes of faith, power, poverty, and the destructive potential of fervent belief.

  2. 2. The Feast of the Goat: A Novel by Mario Vargas Llosa

    "The Feast of the Goat" is a historical novel set in the Dominican Republic during the rule of dictator Rafael Trujillo. It follows the story of Urania Cabral, a successful lawyer returning to her homeland after 30 years of self-imposed exile, and her struggle to confront the traumatic past that led to her departure. The narrative alternates between Urania's personal story and the brutal regime of Trujillo, providing a stark depiction of political tyranny and its effects on individual lives.

  3. 3. Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa

    The novel is a semi-autobiographical tale of a young man in Peru who falls in love with his divorced aunt, Julia, while working at a radio station. Their scandalous romance unfolds amidst the backdrop of a chaotic radio station run by a brilliant but unstable Bolivian scriptwriter who churns out daily soap operas. The narrative alternates between the protagonist's real life and the melodramatic world created by the scriptwriter, blending reality and fiction in a humorous and poignant exploration of love and creativity.

  4. 4. A World for Julius by Alfredo Bryce Echenique

    "A World for Julius" follows the life of Julius, a young boy from a wealthy, aristocratic family in Peru. The novel is a biting social critique of the Peruvian upper classes, as seen through the eyes of Julius, who is often at odds with his family's values and lifestyle. The narrative explores themes of class, privilege, and the struggle for identity in a world dominated by wealth and social status.

  5. 5. The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta by Mario Vargas Llosa

    This novel revolves around a failed Peruvian revolution and the man who attempted to lead it, Alejandro Mayta. The story is told from the perspective of a novelist who is researching Mayta's life and the events surrounding the failed uprising. The narrative oscillates between the present and the past, unraveling the complex threads of Mayta's personal history, political beliefs, and the broader socio-political context of Peru. The novel explores themes of truth, fiction, and the blurry lines between them.

  6. 6. The Storyteller by Mario Vargas Llosa

    "The Storyteller" is a novel that explores the tension between modern civilization and indigenous culture. The narrative alternates between two perspectives: one of a successful documentary filmmaker in Italy who is haunted by his past in Peru, and the other of an indigenous storyteller from an Amazonian tribe. The filmmaker recalls his college friend, who was fascinated by the indigenous cultures of Peru and disappeared into the Amazon rainforest. As the story unfolds, it becomes increasingly apparent that the indigenous storyteller and the filmmaker's lost friend are one and the same. This revelation leads to a profound examination of the effects of cultural assimilation, the value of tradition, and the power of storytelling.

  7. 7. Death In Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa

    "Death in the Andes" is a haunting and atmospheric novel set in the remote Andean village of Naccos, where two soldiers are sent to investigate the mysterious disappearance of three men. As they delve deeper into the village's secrets, they uncover a dark history of violence, political turmoil, and superstition. Blending elements of mystery, political commentary, and magical realism, this gripping tale explores the complexities of human nature and the impact of Peru's turbulent past on its present.

  8. 8. The Bad Girl by Mario Vargas Llosa

    The novel follows the life of Ricardo Somocurcio, a man from Lima, Peru, who becomes infatuated with a mysterious girl he meets in his youth. This girl, who constantly reinvents her identity, reappears throughout his life in various guises and names, leading him on a tumultuous and passionate journey that spans continents and decades. As Ricardo pursues a career as a translator and moves through different countries, he encounters the enigmatic woman in various circumstances, each time falling under her spell despite the pain and complexity she brings into his life. The story is a reflection on love, obsession, and the transformative power of relationships over time.

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