The Greatest Roman Books of All Time

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This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 465 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books. For those interested in how these books are chosen, additional details can be found on the rankings page.

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Rank Book Authors Year Country Language Actions
58 The Aeneid Virgil 19 Roman Latin
173 Metamorphoses Ovid 8 Roman Latin
175 Confessions Augustine 397 Roman Latin
316 Meditations Marcus Aurelius 161 Roman Greek
447 De Rerum Natura Lucretius 55 Roman Latin
558 The Golden Ass Apuleius 158 Roman Latin
669 Letters from a Stoic Seneca 64 Roman Latin
714 Annals Cornelius Tacitus 109 Roman Latin
861 Lives of the Caesars Suetonius 121 Roman Latin
989 The Odes Horace 23 Roman Latin
1495 The Consolation of Philosophy Boethius 524 Roman Latin
1590 Satyricon Petronius 65 Roman Latin
2063 Poetry Quintus Lutatius Catulus -89 Roman Latin
2072 Histories Cornelius Tacitus 100 Roman Latin
2843 The City of God Augustine 413 Roman Latin
2873 Germania Cornelius Tacitus 98 Roman Latin
3697 Natural History Pliny the Younger 77 Roman Latin
4643 Attis And Other Poems Catullus -53 Roman Latin
5339 Satires Juvenal 100 Roman Latin
6014 On The Ends Of Good And Evil Marcus Tullius Cicero 45 Roman Latin
8389 Catiline Orations Marcus Tullius Cicero -63 Roman Latin
8337 The Gallic War And Other Writings Gaius Julius Caesar -58 Roman Latin
8337 On Duties Cicero -44 Roman Latin
8337 On The Orator Marcus Tullius Cicero -55 Roman Latin
8577 The Conquest Of Gaul Gaius Julius Caesar -51 Roman Latin
10835 On Obligations Marcus Tullius Cicero -44 Roman Latin
11124 Thyestes Seneca 62 Roman Latin
12513 The History of Rome Livy -27 Roman Latin
12789 Amphitryon Plautus -184 Roman Latin
12928 The Brothers Menaechmus Plautus -184 Roman Latin
13102 Catiline's War, The Jugurthine War, Histories Sallust -40 Roman Latin
13127 Pseudolus Plautus -191 Roman Latin
13127 The Braggart Soldier Plautus -204 Roman Latin
13127 The Rope Plautus -204 Roman Latin
13127 The Girl From Andros Terence -166 Roman Latin
13127 The Mother In Law Terence -160 Roman Latin
13127 On The Gods Marcus Tullius Cicero 45 Roman Latin
13127 Pharsalia Lucan 61 Roman Latin
13127 The Art Of Love Ovid 2 Roman Latin
13127 Heroides Ovid 25 Roman Latin
13127 Six Tragedies Seneca 54 Roman Latin
13625 Epistulae Pliny the Younger 100 Roman Latin
13965 Adelphoe Terence -160 Roman Latin