The Greatest Fiction Books of All Time on Solitude

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This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 488 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books. For those interested in how these books are chosen, additional details can be found on the rankings page.

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Rank Book Authors Year Country Language Actions
4 One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel García Márquez 1967 Colombian Spanish
309 The Book of Disquiet Fernando Pessoa 1982 Portuguese Portuguese
478 The Duino Elegies Rainer Maria Rilke 1923 German German
518 Complete Poems of Giacomo Leopardi Giacomo Leopardi 1831 Italian Italian
1073 Solitude Caterina Albert 1905 Spanish Catalan
1206 Residence on Earth Pablo Neruda 1933 Chilean Spanish
1403 On the Heights of Despair Emil Cioran 1934 Romanian Romanian
2355 Poem Of The Mountain Marina Tsvetayeva 1924 Russian Russian
2447 H Is For Hawk Helen MacDonald 2014 British English
2593 Too Loud A Solitude Bohumil Hrabal 1976 Czech Czech
3100 In The Solitude Of Cotton Fields Bernard-Marie Koltès 1986 French French
3430 The Afternoon of a Writer Peter Handke 1987 Austrian German
3575 Inland Gerald Murnane 1988 Australian English
4263 Hotel du Lac Anita Brookner 1984 British English
4485 Septology Jon Fosse 2019 Norwegian Norwegian
5452 Paris Spleen Charles Baudelaire 1869 French French
5514 The Private Papers Of Henry Ryecroft George Gissing 1903 British English
6840 An Unnecessary Woman Rabih Alameddine 2013 Lebanese English
7580 The Riverhouse Stories Andrea Carlisle 1987 American English
7716 The Snow Of The Admiral Alvaro Mutis 1986 Colombian Spanish
8277 René François-Auguste-René de Chateaubriand 1802 French French
8634 Break Of Day Colette 1928 French French
8759 The Man Who Planted Trees Jean Giono 1953 French French
10963 Doctor Pasavento Enrique Vila-Matas 2005 Spanish Spanish
12138 The Sound Of A Wild Snail Eating Renee Raudman, Elisabeth Tova Bailey 2010 American English
13497 Poems Of Alfred De Vigny Alfred de Vigny 1837 French French
13497 The Keeper Of Sheep Fernando Pessoa 1925 Portuguese Portuguese
13497 Thomas The Obscure Maurice Blanchot 1941 French French
13497 Twenty Love Poems And A Song Of Despair Pablo Neruda 1924 Chilean Spanish
14018 Elizabeth And Her German Garden Elizabeth von Arnim 1898 German English
13914 Voyage Around My Room Xavier de Maistre 1794 French French
14371 The Owl's Insomnia Rafael Alberti 1972 Spanish Spanish
14371 Always Astonished Fernando Pessoa 1988 Portuguese Portuguese
14371 Slow Homecoming Peter Handke 1979 Austrian German
14371 Dark Harbor Mark Strand 1993 American English
14371 Company Samuel Beckett 1979 Irish English
14371 Reveries Of A Bachelor Donald Grant Mitchell 1850 American English
14371 A Whole Life Robert Seethaler 2014 Austrian German