The Greatest Pakistani, Belgian Fiction Books of All Time

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This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 488 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books. For those interested in how these books are chosen, additional details can be found on the rankings page.

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Rank Book Authors Year Country Language Actions
1021 Cheese Willem Elsschot 1933 Belgian Dutch
1429 Pallieter Felix Timmermans 1916 Belgian Dutch
1592 The Lion of Flanders Hendrik Conscience 1838 Belgian Dutch
1791 The deadbeats Ward Ruyslinck 1957 Belgian Dutch
2274 The Sorrow of Belgium Hugo Claus 1983 Belgian Dutch
2684 The bells of Bicêtre Georges Simenon 1963 Belgian French
2817 Exit West Mohsin Hamid 2017 Pakistani English
2829 Toba Tek Singh Saadat Hasan Manto 1955 Pakistani Urdu
2918 Blue Bird Maurice Maeterlinck 1908 Belgian French
3315 Maigret And The Headless Corpse Georges Simenon 1955 Belgian French
3685 Ice-Candy-Man Bapsi Sidhwa 1988 Pakistani English
3721 Chapel Road Louis-Paul Boon 1953 Belgian Dutch
3729 The Blue Lotus Hergé 1936 Belgian French
3847 Elias, Or The Fight With The Nightingales Maurice Gilliams 1936 Belgian Dutch
3897 Houtekiet Gerard Walschap 1939 Belgian Dutch
3897 Will O' The Wisp Willem Elsschot 1947 Belgian Dutch
3945 The Triple Mirror of the Self Zulfikar Ghose 1992 Pakistani English
3994 The Oostakker Poems Hugo Claus 1955 Belgian Dutch
4045 Soft Soap Willem Elsschot 1931 Belgian Dutch
4068 The Leg Willem Elsschot 1946 Belgian Dutch
4248 Villa Des Roses Willem Elsschot 1913 Belgian Dutch
4342 Occupied City Paul van Ostaijen 1921 Belgian Dutch
4385 Fear And Trembling Amélie Nothomb 1999 Belgian French
4487 Verzameld Werk: Poëzie Paul van Ostaijen 1955 Belgian Dutch
4521 Minuet Louis-Paul Boon 1955 Belgian Dutch
4523 Verzameld Werk Willem Elsschot 1957 Belgian Dutch
4613 Margot en de engelen Kristien Hemmerechts 1997 Belgian Dutch
4890 The Strange Case of Peter the Lett Georges Simenon 1931 Belgian French
4981 Blake and Mortimer Edgar P. Jacobs 1946 Belgian French
5002 The Reluctant Fundamentalist Mohsin Hamid 2007 Pakistani English
5006 The Wandering Falcon Jamil Ahmed 2011 Pakistani English
5054 Omtrent Deedee Hugo Claus 1963 Belgian Dutch
5194 The Adventures Of Tintin Hergé 1929 Belgian French
5441 The Crab With The Golden Claws Hergé 1941 Belgian French
5475 Tintin In Tibet Hergé 1960 Belgian French
5604 The Castafiore Emerald Hergé 1963 Belgian French
6304 Red Lights Georges Simenon 1953 Belgian French
6830 The Crow Eaters Bapsi Sidhwa 1978 Pakistani English
7048 Tokyo Fiancée Amélie Nothomb 2007 Belgian French
7261 War And Turpentine Stefan Hertmans 2013 Belgian Dutch
7190 The Madman Of Bergerac Georges Simenon 1932 Belgian French
7424 Malpertuis Jean Ray 1943 Belgian French
8374 Passionate Journey Frans Masereel 1919 Belgian German
8827 Pelleas And Melisande Maurice Maeterlinck 1892 Belgian French
8867 De Witte Ernest Claes 1920 Belgian Dutch
9749 Het Verdriet Van België Hugo Claus 1983 Belgian Dutch
10095 In Other Rooms, Other Wonders Daniyal Mueenuddin 2009 Pakistani English
10729 Hygiène De L'assassin Amélie Nothomb 1992 Belgian French
10736 A Case Of Exploding Mangoes Mohammed Hanif 2008 Pakistani English
10762 Hygiene And The Assassin Amélie Nothomb 1992 Belgian French
10769 Pitface Herman Brusselmans 1994 Belgian Dutch
10823 I Who Have Never Known Men Jacqueline Harpman 1995 Belgian French
10945 Only The Longest Threads Tasneem Zehra Husain 2014 Pakistani English
11371 Rijmsnoer Om En Om Het Jaar Guido Gezelle 1897 Belgian Dutch
11371 Het Vader Huis Karel van de Woestijne 1903 Belgian Dutch
11371 Tantes Cyriel Buysse 1924 Belgian Dutch
11371 Het Leven En De Dood In Den Ast Stijn Streuvels 1926 Belgian Dutch
11371 Nagelaten Gedichten Paul van Ostaijen 1928 Belgian Dutch
11371 Het Boek Alfa Ivo Michiels 1963 Belgian Dutch
11861 The Character Of Rain Amélie Nothomb 2000 Belgian French
14018 Maigret And The Man On The Boulevard Georges Simenon 1953 Belgian French
14371 Giants And Heroes Dianne Tittle De Laet 1995 Belgian Unknown