The Greatest Swedish Historical Fiction Books of All Time

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This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. Developed through a specialized algorithm, it brings together 488 'best of' book lists to form a definitive guide to the world's most acclaimed books. For those interested in how these books are chosen, additional details can be found on the rankings page.

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Rank Book Authors Year Country Language Actions
734 Barabbas Par Lagerkvist 1950 Swedish Swedish
747 The Dwarf Par Lagerkvist 1944 Swedish Swedish
1097 The Christmas Oratorio Göran Tunström 1983 Swedish Swedish
1321 The Long Ships Frans G. Bengtsson 1941 Swedish Swedish
1367 The Emigrants Vilhelm Moberg 1949 Swedish Swedish
1485 The Emperor of Portugallia Selma Lagerlöf 1914 Swedish Swedish
1581 Bokhandlaren som slutade bada Fritiof Nilsson Piraten 1937 Swedish Swedish
1662 Gösta Berling's Saga Selma Lagerlöf 1891 Swedish Swedish
2053 Simon and the Oaks Marianne Fredriksson 1985 Swedish Swedish
2395 Stockholm series Per Anders Fogelström 1960 Swedish Swedish
2414 The Days of His Grace Eyvind Johnson 1960 Swedish Swedish
3238 The Löwensköld Ring Selma Lagerlöf 1925 Swedish Swedish
3239 Women And Appletrees Moa Martinson 1933 Swedish Swedish
3908 Jerusalem Selma Lagerlöf 1901 Swedish Swedish
4174 The Charles Men Verner von Heidenstam 1897 Swedish Swedish
4261 Samuels bok Sven Delblanc 1981 Swedish Swedish
4821 Bathsheba Torgny Lindgren 1984 Swedish Swedish
5866 The Book about Blanche and Marie Per Olov Enquist 2004 Swedish Swedish
7438 The Royal Physician's Visit Per Olov Enquist 1999 Swedish Swedish
8583 Hanna's Daughters Marianne Fredriksson 1994 Swedish Swedish
11061 Return To Ithaca Eyvind Johnson 1946 Swedish Swedish
11206 Land Of Wooden Gods Jan Fridegård 1932 Swedish Swedish
11208 Ride This Night Vilhelm Moberg 1941 Swedish Swedish
11213 Lars Hård Jan Fridegård 1935 Swedish Swedish
11240 Raskens Vilhelm Moberg 1927 Swedish Swedish
11250 Only A Mother Ivar Lo-Johansson 1939 Swedish Swedish
11839 Statarna Ivar Lo-Johansson 1936 Swedish Swedish
12046 A Time On Earth Vilhelm Moberg 1963 Swedish Swedish
12531 Witches' Rings Kerstin Ekman 1974 Swedish Swedish
12548 The Way Of A Serpent Torgny Lindgren 1982 Swedish Swedish
12657 Gentlemen Klas Östergren 1980 Swedish Swedish
12663 Den Som Vandrar Om Natten Marianne Fredriksson 1988 Swedish Swedish
12678 Vävarnas Barn Per Anders Fogelström 1981 Swedish Swedish
12891 Molnfri Bombnatt Vibeke Olsson 1995 Swedish Swedish
12970 The Enemy's Enemy Jan Guillou 1995 Swedish Swedish
13368 The Hammer Of God Bo Giertz 1941 Swedish Swedish
14164 The Loväng Series Sven Edvin Salje 1942 Swedish Swedish
14199 Soldier With A Broken Rifle Vilhelm Moberg 1944 Swedish Unknown
14371 Jernbane Eposet Sara Lidman 1977 Swedish Swedish
14371 Lifsens Rot Sara Lidman 1996 Swedish Swedish
14371 Den Tionde Sånggudinnan Carina Burman 1996 Swedish Swedish
14371 Livets Ax Sven Delblanc 1991 Swedish Swedish
14371 According To Mary Magdalene Marianne Fredriksson 1998 Swedish Swedish
14371 Hjortronlandet Sara Lidman 1955 Swedish Swedish
14371 Children Of Paradise Marianne Fredriksson 1999 Swedish Swedish
14358 Lacemaker Lekholm Has An Idea Gustaf Hellström 1927 Swedish Swedish