C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis was a British writer and lay theologian. He is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Chronicles of Narnia, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

    Four siblings are evacuated from London during World War II and sent to live with an old professor in the countryside. In his house, they discover a magical wardrobe that serves as a portal to the land of Narnia, a world filled with mythical creatures and ruled by an evil White Witch. The children are soon caught up in a struggle to free Narnia from the witch's eternal winter, aided by the majestic lion Aslan. The story combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and Christian allegory.

    The 210th Greatest Book of All Time
  2. 2. The Chronicles of Narnia

    This seven-part series follows the adventures of various children who play central roles in the unfolding history of the fantastical realm of Narnia. The children are magically transported to Narnia from our world, where they aid the noble lion Aslan in his struggles against evil forces in order to restore peace and justice. The series explores themes of good versus evil, the nature of faith, and the power of sacrifice, all set against a richly imagined magical world full of diverse creatures and landscapes.

    The 269th Greatest Book of All Time
  3. 3. Mere Christianity

    "Mere Christianity" is a theological book that explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand. It provides an intellectual defense of Christianity that centers on the Law of Nature, arguing that God is behind this law. The book also explores Christian values, the cardinal virtues, and the theological virtues, ultimately arguing for the reasonableness of Christianity. The final section of the book discusses the doctrine of the Trinity and the process of becoming a Christian.

    The 811th Greatest Book of All Time
  4. 4. The Last Battle: The Chronicles of Narnia

    In the final installment of the series, Narnia faces its darkest hour. A false Aslan is commanding everyone to work tirelessly for the cruel Calormenes. Many Narnians are deceived by this false god and his prophet, an ape. However, a small band of loyal Narnians, led by King Tirian, fights back against the invaders. The friends of Narnia, children from another world, are summoned once again to help in this last battle. The fate of Narnia hangs in the balance and the final battle between good and evil determines the future of the magical land.

    The 1084th Greatest Book of All Time
  5. 5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: The Chronicles of Narnia

    The third installment in a fantasy series, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" follows the adventure of Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their cousin Eustace, as they are magically drawn into a painting and onto a Narnian ship headed for the edges of the world. Alongside their old friend, King Caspian, they encounter sea serpents, dragons, and new lands filled with strange creatures as they journey to the end of the world. The novel explores themes of courage, friendship, and the struggle between good and evil.

    The 1616th Greatest Book of All Time
  6. 6. The Magician's Nephew

    The book is a prequel to the popular fantasy series, and tells the story of two children who stumble upon magical rings that transport them to different worlds. They encounter a wicked queen, awaken a powerful lion who creates a new world, and inadvertently bring the queen into this new world, setting the stage for the rest of the series. The book explores themes of creation, temptation, and the consequences of one's actions.

    The 1708th Greatest Book of All Time
  7. 7. The Horse and His Boy: The Chronicles of Narnia

    This book is the third installment in a popular fantasy series and follows a young boy and a talking horse as they embark on a dangerous journey to escape from their lives of servitude in the south. Along the way, they encounter a young runaway and her talking horse, and together, they journey north to the magical land of Narnia. Along their journey, they discover that they are part of a greater destiny and that their lives are intertwined with the fate of Narnia itself.

    The 1711th Greatest Book of All Time
  8. 8. The Silver Chair: The Chronicles of Narnia

    In this installment of the Chronicles of Narnia series, Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole are called to Narnia by Aslan, the great lion, to find and rescue Prince Rilian, the missing son of now elderly King Caspian. Their journey takes them deep into the underworld, where they encounter a variety of strange and dangerous creatures, including the enchanting and malevolent Green Lady. With faith, courage, and the guidance of a few loyal friends, the children strive to fulfill their mission and return the lost prince to his rightful place.

    The 1714th Greatest Book of All Time
  9. 9. Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia

    In this fantasy novel, four siblings are magically transported back to the realm of Narnia, where they find that centuries have passed and the land is ruled by a tyrannical king. They join forces with the rightful heir to the throne, a young prince, and an assortment of mystical creatures to restore peace and justice to the kingdom. The story is filled with battles, adventures, and lessons about courage, friendship, and faith.

    The 1713th Greatest Book of All Time
  10. 10. The Abolition of Man

    This philosophical book explores the concepts of objective value and natural law, arguing that these are essential for moral reasoning. The author criticizes modern education for producing "men without chests," by which he means individuals who deny the importance of moral absolutes. He suggests that this could lead to the "abolition of man" as we traditionally understand him, replacing moral individuals with conditioned responses. The book also discusses the dangers of scientific advancement without moral considerations.

    The 1745th Greatest Book of All Time
  11. 11. Grief Observed

    This book is an intimate exploration of a man's grief after the loss of his wife. The author delves deeply into the nature of grief, faith, and love, questioning his own beliefs and grappling with profound feelings of loss and sorrow. With raw honesty, he shares his journey through the various stages of grief, ultimately finding a renewed sense of faith and understanding of God's role in human suffering.

    The 3796th Greatest Book of All Time
  12. 12. The Dark Tower And Other Stories

    "The Dark Tower And Other Stories" is a collection of intriguing and thought-provoking tales by C. S. Lewis. From the mysterious and haunting story of a man's encounter with a dark tower to the whimsical tale of a talking cat, this collection showcases Lewis' ability to captivate readers with his imaginative storytelling. Each story explores themes of morality, faith, and the human experience, leaving readers pondering the deeper meanings long after the final page is turned.

    The 4136th Greatest Book of All Time
  13. 13. That Hideous Strength

    The novel explores the moral and spiritual struggles faced by its characters as they contend with a sinister scientific organization aiming to control humanity. Set in a quiet English university town, the story follows a sociologist and his wife as they become entangled with the National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments, which seeks to manipulate human life through advanced technology and ruthless tactics. As the couple is drawn deeper into this morally corrupt world, they must decide where they stand in the cosmic battle between good and evil, with the help of a mysterious company that aligns with divine forces.

    The 4927th Greatest Book of All Time
  14. 14. Out Of The Silent Planet

    In this science fiction novel, a man named Dr. Elwin Ransom finds himself transported to another planet called Malacandra. As he explores this strange new world, he encounters various intelligent beings and learns about their unique cultures and languages. Ransom soon realizes that he has been brought to Malacandra as a sacrifice, but he manages to escape and embarks on a thrilling journey to return home. Along the way, he grapples with themes of good versus evil, the nature of humanity, and the existence of a higher power.

    The 5409th Greatest Book of All Time
  15. 15. The Screwtape Letters

    This book is a satirical collection of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his inexperienced nephew, Wormwood, guiding him on how to best tempt a human, referred to only as "the Patient," away from God and towards sin. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the letters delve into various aspects of human life and Christian faith, exploring themes of morality, temptation, and the nature of good and evil. Through Screwtape's cunning advice and critiques, the author offers profound insights into human nature and Christian theology, presenting a unique perspective on how to live a good life amidst the trials and tribulations of the world.

    The 5950th Greatest Book of All Time
  16. 16. Surprised By Joy

    The book is a reflective memoir by a prominent British writer, chronicling his early life, intellectual pursuits, and spiritual journey from atheism to Christianity. It delves into his experiences of seeking joy and fulfillment in various pursuits and relationships, only to find them lacking, leading to his eventual conversion. The narrative explores themes of longing, grief, and the ultimate discovery of faith, providing a profound insight into the author's personal and philosophical evolution.

    The 8243rd Greatest Book of All Time
  17. 17. Perelandra

    "Perelandra" is a science fiction novel that follows the protagonist, Dr. Elwin Ransom, on a journey to the planet Perelandra. There, he encounters a new Eden-like world inhabited by a beautiful and innocent woman named Tinidril. As Ransom tries to protect Tinidril from the temptations of a malevolent force, he must confront his own inner struggles and make choices that will determine the fate of Perelandra and its inhabitants. With thought-provoking themes of good versus evil and the nature of temptation, "Perelandra" explores the complexities of human nature and the consequences of our actions.

    The 9840th Greatest Book of All Time