T. S. Eliot

T. S. Eliot was a renowned poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, literary critic, and editor. He is best known for his poems 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' and 'The Waste Land', which are considered some of the most important works of modernist literature.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Waste Land

    "The Waste Land" is a long poem that presents a bleak and despairing view of the world following the devastation of World War I. The poem is divided into five parts and uses a wide range of literary and cultural references, as well as multiple narrators, to depict a world in ruins. It explores themes of disillusionment, despair, and the decline of civilization, and is often considered a seminal work of modernist literature.

    The 198th Greatest Book of All Time
  2. 2. Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot

    This collection includes the works of a renowned 20th-century poet, featuring his most famous pieces such as "The Waste Land," "Four Quartets," and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The poet's works are known for their profound exploration of existential despair, disillusionment, and spiritual emptiness, often employing complex, fragmented structures and numerous allusions to mythology, religion, and contemporary culture. This compilation provides a comprehensive look at the poet's influential contribution to modernist literature.

    The 584th Greatest Book of All Time
  3. 3. Prufrock and Other Observations

    This collection of poems presents a critique of society through the lens of a disillusioned modern man. The titular character is a middle-aged man contemplating the emptiness and lack of fulfillment in his life. The poems delve into themes of despair, regret, and existential angst, reflecting the disillusionment of the post-World War I generation. The poems are characterized by their innovative use of dramatic monologue, stream of consciousness, and other modernist techniques.

    The 915th Greatest Book of All Time
  4. 4. Four Quartets

    "Four Quartets" is a collection of four long poems that delve into the nature of time, perspective, and human experience. The poems explore deep spiritual and philosophical themes, including the struggle between the temporal and eternal, the cyclical nature of life, and the quest for divine understanding. The work also reflects on the devastation of World War II, the passage of time, and the nature of memory and experience.

    The 957th Greatest Book of All Time
  5. 5. Selected Essays of T. S. Eliot

    This book is a collection of critical and reflective essays by a renowned poet and literary critic. The author explores a variety of topics including literature, culture, society, and religion. The essays offer an insightful and thought-provoking commentary on the works of other writers, as well as the author's own views on literary theory and criticism. The collection serves as an important resource for understanding the author's intellectual development and his influence on 20th century literature and criticism.

    The 1006th Greatest Book of All Time
  6. 6. Murder In The Cathedral

    The play dramatizes the internal conflict of a 12th-century archbishop, Thomas Becket, as he grapples with the temptation of spiritual pride and the implications of defying King Henry II. Upon his return from exile, Becket faces pressure from the king and his own tempters to compromise his principles for safety and convenience. Ultimately, Becket chooses to embrace his role as a martyr, fulfilling his duty to God over the monarchy. His assassination in Canterbury Cathedral by the king's knights is depicted as an act of martyrdom, exploring themes of faith, loyalty, and the struggle between church and state.

    The 1935th Greatest Book of All Time
  7. 7. The Complete Plays of T. S. Eliot

    This collection brings together all of the renowned playwright's works, showcasing his talent for dramatic verse. It includes both his well-known pieces and lesser-known plays, exploring themes of human frailty, faith, and the complexities of the human condition. The book provides a comprehensive look into the playwright's unique contribution to 20th-century drama.

    The 4157th Greatest Book of All Time
  8. 8. The Complete Poems And Plays

    This comprehensive collection brings together the entire body of poetic and dramatic works of a pivotal figure in modern literature, whose innovative use of language, profound exploration of psychology and society, and keen observation of the human condition have left an indelible mark on the literary landscape. The volume spans the author's career, featuring early poems that delve into the malaise of the modern world, as well as his later, more religiously and philosophically complex works. It includes such landmark pieces as the fragmented and haunting portrayal of post-World War I Europe, a groundbreaking modernist epic, and the author's foray into verse drama, where he sought to revive the genre with a series of plays that grapple with issues of redemption and human morality.

    The 7180th Greatest Book of All Time