My Favourite Book - Australian Big Read

This is one of the 305 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay

    The book is a whimsical children's tale that follows the adventures of Bunyip Bluegum, a koala, who joins a sailor named Bill Barnacle and a penguin named Sam Sawnoff. Together, they become the custodians of a magical, never-ending pudding named Albert. The pudding can transform into any flavor on demand and regenerates after every meal. Their journey is filled with humor and mischief as they defend the pudding from a band of pudding thieves, the Professional Pudding Thieves, who are determined to steal Albert for themselves. The story is celebrated for its richly imaginative narrative, quirky characters, and its celebration of friendship and good-natured camaraderie.

    The 2136th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

    Set in early 19th-century France, the narrative follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his journey towards redemption. The story touches upon the nature of law and grace, and elaborates upon the history of France, architecture of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. It is known for its vivid and relatable characters, and its exploration of societal and moral issues.

    The 46th Greatest Book of All Time
  • David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

    This novel follows the life of its titular protagonist from his childhood to maturity. Born to a young widow, David endures a difficult childhood when his mother remarries a harsh and abusive man. After his mother's death, he is sent to a boarding school before being forced into child labor. As he grows, David experiences hardship, love, and loss, all the while meeting a colorful array of characters. The novel is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, showcasing the harsh realities of 19th-century England.

    The 45th Greatest Book of All Time
About this list

Australian Big Read, 103 Books

In a unique initiative by ABC Television in Australia, a nationwide poll was conducted to discover the country's favorite books. Launched in September, the campaign encouraged Australians to nominate and vote for their most cherished literary works. The process attracted participation from tens of thousands of individuals, reflecting a wide spectrum of literary preferences across the nation. The results, revealed during a special program titled "My Favourite Book," showcased a diverse range of titles, including works by both international and Australian authors, highlighting the varied literary tastes among Australians. The endeavor not only celebrated beloved literary classics but also emphasized the importance of literature in Australian culture.

Added 4 months ago.

How Good is this List?

This list has a weight of 57%. To learn more about what this means please visit the Rankings page.

Here is a list of what is decreasing the importance of this list:

  • Voters: not critics, authors, or experts
  • Voters: are mostly from a single country/location

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