Great Books of the Western World

This is one of the 305 lists we use to generate our main The Greatest Books list.

  • Women of Trachis by Sophocles

    This ancient Greek tragedy follows the story of a woman who mistakenly kills her husband, a legendary hero, with a poisoned shirt. She had been given the shirt by a dying centaur who told her it would ensure her husband's loyalty. However, the centaur had actually been fatally wounded by the hero, and the shirt was soaked in the centaur's poisonous blood. The woman kills herself upon realizing her tragic mistake.

    The 581st Greatest Book of All Time
  • The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

    This book is a historical account of the Peloponnesian War between the city-states of Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece. The author, an Athenian general, provides a detailed narrative of the war, its causes, and its consequences, offering valuable insights into the political and social dynamics of the time. The work is considered a pioneering piece in the field of history due to its rigorous methodology and critical analysis of events.

    The 569th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Histories of Herodotus by Herodotus

    "The Histories of Herodotus" is an ancient text that provides a comprehensive account of the Greco-Persian Wars. It is often considered the first work of history in Western literature. The author, often referred to as the 'Father of History', provides a narrative that not only discusses the conflicts between the Greeks and Persians, but also delves into the customs, geography, and history of each civilization. This detailed and pioneering work has greatly contributed to our understanding of the ancient world.

    The 312th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Corpus Aristotelicum by Aristotle

    The "Corpus Aristotelicum" is a collection of texts by an ancient Greek philosopher, providing an extensive exploration of numerous fields of knowledge, such as metaphysics, ethics, logic, politics, biology, and poetry. These works have been instrumental in shaping Western philosophy and have had a profound influence on a wide range of subjects, including science, theology, and politics. The collection is known for its systematic and logical approach, and for its groundbreaking ideas that continue to stimulate intellectual discourse.

    The 771st Greatest Book of All Time
  • Hippocratic Corpus by Hippocrates

    The "Hippocratic Corpus" is a collection of around 70 early medical works from ancient Greece, written in Ionic Greek. The texts are of varying content and length, covering a wide range of medical topics, including clinical descriptions of disease, surgical procedures, medical ethics, and philosophical reflections. Although traditionally attributed to Hippocrates, modern scholars believe that many of the works were not written by him and instead represent the work of several different authors over several decades. Despite this, the collection remains an invaluable resource for understanding the beginnings of Western medicine.

    The 2119th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Complete Works of Plato by Plato

    This comprehensive collection compiles the philosophical works of an influential Classical Greek philosopher. The book includes his dialogues, letters, and philosophical musings, exploring topics such as justice, beauty, truth, mathematics, politics, love, and virtue. The philosopher's ideas, including the theory of forms, the allegory of the cave, and the philosopher king, have had a profound impact on Western thought and continue to be studied and debated in modern philosophical and academic circles.

    The 360th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Republic by Plato

    "The Republic" is a philosophical text that explores the concepts of justice, order, and character within the context of a just city-state and a just individual. It presents the idea of a utopian society ruled by philosopher-kings, who are the most wise and just. The dialogue also delves into theories of education, the nature of reality, and the role of the philosopher in society. It is a fundamental work in Western philosophy and political theory.

    The 143rd Greatest Book of All Time
  • Euclid's Elements by Euclid

    This book is a comprehensive collection of definitions, postulates, propositions, and mathematical proofs written by an ancient Greek mathematician. It is considered one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics, serving as the main textbook for teaching mathematics, especially geometry, from the time of its publication until the late 19th or early 20th century. The book covers topics such as plane geometry, proportion in general, the properties of numbers, incommensurable magnitudes, and solid geometry.

    The 5103rd Greatest Book of All Time
  • De Rerum Natura by Lucretius

    "De Rerum Natura" is a long didactic poem written in the first century BC, which explores Epicurean philosophy and the nature of the universe. The text delves into topics such as the nature of the gods, the atomic structure of the universe, human sensation and thought, and the fear of death. The author argues that understanding the physical world can free humans from superstition and fear, leading to peace of mind and true happiness.

    The 493rd Greatest Book of All Time
  • Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

    "Meditations" is a collection of personal writings by a Roman Emperor, providing deep insights into Stoic philosophy. The book is a series of introspective reflections on how to deal with life's challenges with wisdom, integrity, self-discipline, and benevolent affection for all mankind. It serves as a manual for self-improvement and moral guidance, emphasizing the importance of accepting things outside of one's control and maintaining a tranquil mind amidst adversity.

    The 390th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Aeneid by Virgil

    This epic poem tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travels to Italy, where he becomes the ancestor of the Romans. It includes a series of prophecies about Rome's future and the deeds of heroic individuals, and is divided into two sections, the first illustrating the hero's journey and the second detailing the wars and battles that ensue as Aeneas attempts to establish a new home in Italy. The narrative is deeply imbued with themes of duty, fate, and divine intervention.

    The 75th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Parallel Lives by Plutarch

    "Parallel Lives" is a collection of biographies of famous Greek and Roman figures, written in pairs to draw comparisons between their lives. The work explores the influence of character on the lives and destinies of these historical figures. The biographies are not only a record of the lives of these individuals, but also provide insight into the times in which they lived, offering a unique perspective on the history and culture of the ancient world.

    The 635th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Annals by Cornelius Tacitus

    "Annals" is a historical work that provides a comprehensive account of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius in 14 AD to the death of Nero in 68 AD. The author, a senator and historian of the Roman Empire, explores the inner workings of Roman politics, military campaigns, and social culture during this period. The book offers an in-depth look at the political machinations, power struggles, and the moral decay of the Roman elite, providing a critical perspective on the Roman emperors and their rule.

    The 740th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Almagest by Ptolemy

    "Almagest" is a seminal work on astronomy and mathematics, written in the 2nd century. The book presents a comprehensive system of the world, including a detailed account of the fixed stars and the motions of the planets. It also includes a mathematical toolkit that was essential for understanding the heavens in its time, such as a catalogue of stars, the lengths of the tropical year and the lunar month, and the theory of the Sun, Moon, and planets. The book's geocentric model, where the Earth is at the center of the universe, was widely accepted until the Copernican Revolution.

    The 7988th Greatest Book of All Time
  • On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres by Nicolaus Copernicus

    This book presents the revolutionary astronomical model that places the sun, rather than the earth, at the center of the universe. The author challenges the geocentric model of the cosmos, which had been widely accepted since the time of Aristotle, and instead proposes a heliocentric system, where the planets orbit the sun. This revolutionary idea transformed the way we understand our place in the universe, paving the way for modern astronomy and science.

    The 1526th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Epitome of Copernican Astronomy by Johannes Kepler

    This book is a comprehensive exploration of the Copernican system of astronomy. The author delves into the theories and principles proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, discussing the heliocentric model of the universe where the Sun, rather than the Earth, is at the center. The book includes detailed explanations and mathematical proofs supporting Copernicus's theories, making it a valuable resource for understanding the foundations of modern astronomy.

    The 7988th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Harmony of the Worlds by Johannes Kepler

    "The Harmony of the Worlds" is a scientific text that presents the author's innovative and groundbreaking theories on planetary motion. The author proposes that the movements of the planets in our solar system are not random, but rather follow precise mathematical relationships, likening these celestial patterns to harmonious musical notes. The book is a fundamental work in the history of astronomy, and it has had a profound influence on our understanding of the universe and its laws.

    The 5103rd Greatest Book of All Time
  • Enneads by Plotinus

    "Enneads" is a collection of 54 philosophical treatises by Plotinus, a prominent philosopher of the ancient world. The work is a cornerstone of Neoplatonism, a school of Hellenistic philosophy that sought to reconcile Greek philosophy with religious mysticism. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the nature of reality, the self, the universe, and the divine. The author argues for the existence of a transcendent One from which all existence emanates, and that the goal of human life is to strive for unity with this divine principle.

    The 2162nd Greatest Book of All Time
  • Confessions by Augustine

    "Confessions" is an autobiographical work by a renowned theologian, in which he outlines his sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. It is written in the form of a long, introspective prayer directed to God, exploring the author's spiritual journey and deep philosophical ponderings. The book is renowned for its eloquent and deeply personal exploration of faith, making it a cornerstone of Christian theology and Western literature.

    The 149th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas

    This comprehensive text is a seminal work in the field of theology, written by a prominent medieval philosopher and theologian. The book is structured in a question-and-answer format, tackling complex philosophical and theological issues such as the existence of God, the nature of man, the purpose of life, and the intricacies of morality and ethics. It is one of the most influential works in Western thought, particularly in Christian theology and philosophy, and continues to be a vital reference in these fields.

    The 1227th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

    In this epic poem, the protagonist embarks on an extraordinary journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso). Guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil and his beloved Beatrice, he encounters various historical and mythological figures in each realm, witnessing the eternal consequences of earthly sins and virtues. The journey serves as an allegory for the soul's progression towards God, offering profound insights into the nature of good and evil, free will, and divine justice.

    The 27th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

    The Canterbury Tales is a collection of 24 stories that follows a group of pilgrims traveling from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket. Told in Middle English, the tales are narrated by a diverse group of pilgrims, including a knight, a miller, a reeve, and a pardoner, who share their stories to pass the time during their journey. The tales, which range from chivalrous romances to bawdy fabliaux, provide a colorful, satirical, and critical portrayal of 14th century English society.

    The 103rd Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

    This classic work of political philosophy provides a pragmatic guide on political leadership and power, arguing that leaders must do whatever necessary to maintain authority and protect their states, even if it means compromising morality and ethics. The book explores various types of principalities, military affairs, the conduct of great leaders, and the virtues a prince should possess. It is known for its controversial thesis, which suggests that the ends justify the means in politics.

    The 86th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

    "Leviathan" is a seminal work of political philosophy that presents an argument for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign. The author argues that civil peace and social unity are best achieved by the establishment of a commonwealth through social contract. He suggests that without a strong, central authority to impose law and order, society would descend into a state of nature, characterized by perpetual war and chaos. The book is divided into four parts: Of Man, Of Commonwealth, Of a Christian Commonwealth, and Of the Kingdom of Darkness.

    The 341st Greatest Book of All Time
  • Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais

    "Gargantua and Pantagruel" is a satirical and humorous tale of two giants, Gargantua and his son Pantagruel. The narrative is filled with bawdy humor, wordplay, and grotesque and exaggerated characters, reflecting the realities of 16th-century France. The book is also known for its profound insights on education, religion, and politics, often criticizing the corruption and hypocrisy of the powerful. The novel is a rich blend of fantasy, comedy, and philosophical discourse, making it a classic of Renaissance literature.

    The 201st Greatest Book of All Time
  • Essays by Michel de Montaigne

    This collection of essays explores a wide range of topics such as solitude, cannibals, the power of the imagination, the education of children, and the nature of friendship. The author employs a unique and personal approach to philosophy, using anecdotes and personal reflections to illustrate his points. The essays provide a profound insight into human nature and condition, and are considered a significant contribution to both literature and philosophy.

    The 111th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Sonnets by William Shakespeare

    "The Sonnets" is a collection of 154 poems that explore themes such as love, beauty, politics, and mortality. The sonnets are written in a specific form that the poet popularized, consisting of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme. The collection is divided into two sections: the first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man, while the last 28 are addressed to a woman known as the 'dark lady'. This collection is widely considered one of the greatest achievements in English literature.

    The 498th Greatest Book of All Time
  • First Folio by William Shakespeare

    This collection is a compilation of 36 plays by a renowned English playwright, published seven years after his death. It includes comedies, histories, and tragedies, some of which had never been published before. Notable works in the compilation include "Macbeth," "Julius Caesar," "Twelfth Night," "The Tempest," and "As You Like It." The collection is considered one of the most influential books ever published in the English language, as it preserved many of the playwright's works that might have otherwise been lost.

    The 127th Greatest Book of All Time
  • Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Sigmund Freud

    This book is a seminal work that presents the author's theories on human sexuality, including his concept of sexual development through psychosexual stages. It explores topics such as the sexual aberrations, infantile sexuality, and the transformation of puberty. The author argues that sexual drive is present from birth, and that children go through several stages of sexual development. He also discusses the idea of sexual perversions and their origins. This book is considered a foundational text in the field of psychoanalysis.

    The 1210th Greatest Book of All Time
  • The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot

    "The Waste Land" is a long poem that presents a bleak and despairing view of the world following the devastation of World War I. The poem is divided into five parts and uses a wide range of literary and cultural references, as well as multiple narrators, to depict a world in ruins. It explores themes of disillusionment, despair, and the decline of civilization, and is often considered a seminal work of modernist literature.

    The 198th Greatest Book of All Time
About this list

Great Books Foundation, 130 Books

Great Books of the Western World is a series of books originally published in the United States in 1952 by Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. to present the western canon in a single package of 54 volume...

Added over 10 years ago.

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  • Voters: 2 people voted
  • List: Creator of the list, sells the books on the list
  • List: only covers mostly "Western Canon" books
  • Voters: are mostly from a single country/location

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