Edwin Arlington Robinson
Edwin Arlington Robinson was an American poet who won three Pulitzer Prizes for his work. He is best known for his short poems that explore the inner lives and personal struggles of his characters, often set in the fictional town of Tilbury Town.
This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.
1. Poems Of Edwin Arlington Robinson
This collection brings together the lyrical and poignant works of a renowned early 20th-century American poet, known for his deep exploration of human nature and the complexities of life in his verse. The poems delve into themes of personal struggle, individual destiny, and the often tragic elements of the human experience, all while showcasing the poet's mastery of traditional forms and his innovative use of meter and rhyme. Through his vivid character sketches and profound insights, the poet captures the essence of small-town life and the universal truths that lie beneath the surface of everyday existence.
The 11637th Greatest Book of All Time