John Casey

John Casey is an American writer known for his novel 'Spartina', which won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1989. He has written several other novels and works of nonfiction, and his writing often explores themes of nature, family, and the complexities of human relationships. Casey is also a professor emeritus at the University of Virginia, where he taught literature and creative writing.


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  1. 1. Spartina

    The novel follows the life of a Rhode Island fisherman who is struggling to make ends meet and is determined to finish building his boat, Spartina. The protagonist is deeply connected to the sea and the coastal life, but is also frustrated by his poverty and the wealthy summer residents who seem to take over his town. His life becomes even more complicated when he starts an affair with a younger woman, further straining his relationship with his family. The story is a deep exploration of the protagonist's character, his struggles, and his relationship with the sea.