Douglas Southall Freeman

Douglas Southall Freeman was an American historian, biographer, newspaper editor, and author, best known for his multi-volume biographies of George Washington and Robert E. Lee. Freeman won Pulitzer Prizes for both of these works and is renowned for his meticulous research and vivid narrative style. He was also the editor of The Richmond News Leader for many years.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. R. E. Lee

    "R. E. Lee" is a comprehensive biography that provides a detailed account of the life of the famed Confederate General Robert E. Lee. The book dives deep into his personal life, his military strategies, and his role in the American Civil War, offering a balanced and nuanced portrayal of Lee. It also explores his relationships, his character, and his post-war life, giving readers a well-rounded understanding of this significant figure in American history.

  2. 2. George Washington

    This book offers a comprehensive biography of George Washington, delving into his life from his early years, his role in the French and Indian War, his leadership during the American Revolution, and his presidency. The author meticulously details Washington's military strategies, political maneuvers, and personal beliefs, painting a vivid picture of the man who became the first president of the United States. The book also provides an insight into Washington's private life, his relationships, and his struggles, presenting him as a flesh-and-blood human being rather than a historical figure.