Orlando Patterson

Orlando Patterson is a Jamaican-American historical and cultural sociologist known for his work regarding issues of race, slavery, and freedom. He is a professor at Harvard University and has published several influential books, including 'Slavery and Social Death' and 'Freedom in the Making of Western Culture'. His research and writings have contributed significantly to the understanding of social and cultural dynamics, particularly in relation to the African diaspora and the legacy of slavery.


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  1. 1. Freedom

    "Freedom" is an in-depth exploration of the concept of freedom throughout human history, beginning with ancient civilizations and leading up to modern times. The author analyzes how the idea has evolved and been interpreted by different cultures and societies, arguing that freedom is a socio-cultural construct rather than an inherent human right. The book also explores the paradoxical relationship between freedom and slavery, suggesting that the concept of freedom often emerged from societies where slavery was prevalent.