Ann Beattie

Ann Beattie is an American short story writer and novelist. She has received significant acclaim for her subtle and insightful depictions of contemporary American life, particularly focusing on the lives of the middle class and the nuances of interpersonal relationships. Her writing style is often characterized by minimalism and a keen observational eye. Beattie first gained attention in the 1970s and has since been a prominent figure in American literature, with numerous awards and honors to her name.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Falling in Place

    "Falling in Place" is a novel set in the 1970s that explores the lives of a group of suburban Connecticut residents during one hot summer. The narrative focuses on the characters' internal struggles and interpersonal relationships, portraying a family in crisis, a teenage girl's suicide attempt, and a young boy's fascination with outer space. The story provides a stark examination of the disillusionment and existential dread experienced by the characters, reflecting the broader societal malaise of the era.

  2. 2. The New Yorker Stories

    "The New Yorker Stories" is a collection of Ann Beattie's short stories previously published in The New Yorker magazine. The stories explore the complexities of human relationships, often with a focus on middle-class suburban life. Beattie's prose is sharp and insightful, delving into the inner workings of her characters' minds and emotions. The collection spans several decades, showcasing Beattie's evolution as a writer and her enduring relevance in the literary world.