Perry Miller

Perry Miller (1905–1963) was an American historian and literary critic, primarily known for his work on the intellectual history of Puritan New England. He is considered one of the founders of American Studies, and his works, such as 'The New England Mind' and 'Errand into the Wilderness', have been influential in the study of the early American period. Miller's scholarship helped to reshape the understanding of the Puritans and their cultural and theological contributions to American society.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The New England Mind

    "The New England Mind" delves into the intellectual and theological underpinnings of early New England, exploring how Puritan thought and values shaped the social, cultural, and political life of the region. The book meticulously examines the evolution of Puritanism from its philosophical roots in Europe to its adaptation and implementation in the American colonies. It highlights the profound influence of religious beliefs on the development of educational systems, legal frameworks, and community structures in New England, offering insights into the complex interplay between ideology and governance in shaping colonial society.

  2. 2. The Life of the Mind in America

    This book is a comprehensive exploration of the intellectual history of America, tracing the development of thought and philosophy from the Puritan era to the mid-twentieth century. It examines the evolution of American intellectual life, providing a detailed look at significant thinkers, their ideas, and the cultural context in which they emerged. The book also underscores the influence of European thought on American intellectualism, highlighting the tensions and synergies between the two.