Tyler Dennett

Tyler Dennett (1883–1949) was an American historian and author best known for his work on American diplomacy. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography in 1934 for his book 'John Hay: From Poetry to Politics.' Dennett was a professor at Johns Hopkins University and later served as president of Williams College from 1934 to 1937. His scholarly contributions include studies on American expansionism and the history of American foreign relations.


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  1. 1. John Hay

    "John Hay" is a comprehensive biography that delves into the life and career of an esteemed American statesman, diplomat and private secretary to Abraham Lincoln. The book provides an in-depth exploration of Hay's role in shaping American foreign policy, notably his significant contributions during the Open Door Policy and the Panama Canal negotiations. It also sheds light on his personal life, relationships, and his journey from a humble background to becoming one of the most influential figures in American history.