Georges Bernanos

Georges Bernanos was a French author and soldier, born on February 20, 1888, in Paris, and died on July 5, 1948, in Neuilly-sur-Seine. He is best known for his novels and essays that combine deep religious conviction with a passionate defense of individual freedom. His works often explore themes of evil, grace, and redemption. Notable works include 'The Diary of a Country Priest' (1936) and 'Mouchette' (1937). His writings were influential in the Catholic literary tradition and remain widely studied and appreciated for their profound insight into the human condition.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Under Satan's Sun

    "Under Satan's Sun" is a gripping narrative set in the rural French countryside, where a young, idealistic priest struggles with his faith and the harsh realities of his parishioners' lives. He battles against alcoholism, loneliness, and the indifference of his congregation. The novel explores the themes of faith, despair, and redemption, offering a profound and introspective look into the human condition and the challenges of spiritual leadership.

  2. 2. The Diary of a Country Priest

    "The Diary of a Country Priest" is a novel centered around a young, inexperienced priest assigned to his first parish in rural France. The narrative unfolds through the priest's diary entries, revealing his struggles with his health, faith, and the indifference or hostility of his parishioners. Despite the hardships, the priest remains committed to his vocation and the spiritual welfare of his community. His journey is marked by self-doubt, loneliness, and a humble yet profound understanding of suffering and grace.

  3. 3. Journal D'un Curé De Campagne : (1936)

    The book is a profound exploration of faith and despair, told through the intimate diary entries of a young, idealistic, and ailing parish priest in a small French village. As he grapples with the indifference and hostility of his parishioners, the priest's own health and spirit decline. Despite his suffering and a crisis of faith, he remains committed to his moral and spiritual duties, seeking to understand the suffering of others and to offer compassion. His journey is a poignant reflection on the nature of grace and redemption, and the power of goodness in the face of overwhelming hardship.