Firoozeh Dumas

Firoozeh Dumas is an Iranian-American writer and humorist, best known for her bestselling memoir 'Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America'. The book chronicles her experiences moving to the United States from Iran at the age of seven and the cultural challenges and humorous encounters she faced. She has also written 'Laughing Without an Accent' and 'It Ain't So Awful, Falafel', among other works. Dumas's writing often explores themes of cultural identity, immigration, and the nuances of cross-cultural experiences.


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  1. 1. Funny in Farsi

    This memoir tells the story of an Iranian family who migrated to America in the 1970s, offering a humorous take on their experiences. The narrative focuses on the author's childhood and adolescence, exploring themes of cultural identity, assimilation, and the immigrant experience in America. It highlights the family's journey of navigating a new country and culture, while still holding on to their Iranian roots. The book showcases the author's ability to find humor in the most challenging situations, making it a heartwarming and amusing read.