Luis de Góngora

Luis de Góngora was a Spanish Baroque lyric poet and playwright. Born on July 11, 1561, in Córdoba, Spain, he is considered one of the most prominent Spanish poets of his era. His style, known as 'Gongorism' (culteranismo), was characterized by complex syntax, elaborate metaphor, and an extensive use of Latinisms. Góngora's major works include 'Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea' and 'Soledades.' He was a contemporary of Miguel de Cervantes and had significant influence on the Spanish literature of the Golden Age. Góngora died in Córdoba on May 23, 1627.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. Soledades

    "Soledades" is a complex and intricate narrative poem that explores themes of love, nature, and the passage of time. The narrative follows a shipwrecked protagonist who embarks on a journey through various rural landscapes, encountering characters from different social classes and engaging in philosophical reflections along the way. The work is renowned for its intricate metaphors, elaborate syntax, and innovative use of language, which have made it a cornerstone of Baroque literature.

  2. 2. Poems of Góngora

    "Poems of Góngora" is a collection of poems by a renowned Spanish Baroque poet. The book is a compilation of his most celebrated works, showcasing his unique style of complex and innovative metaphors, intricate syntax, and the use of Latinisms. His poems capture a wide range of themes such as love, beauty, life, and death, reflecting the cultural and social milieu of the Spanish Golden Age.