Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

Gonzalo Torrente Ballester was a Spanish writer associated with the Generation of '36 movement. He was born on June 13, 1910, in Ferrol, Galicia, and passed away on January 27, 1999. Torrente Ballester was a novelist, playwright, and literary critic, known for his narrative skill and complex plots. He explored themes such as the mythical and supernatural, history, and metafiction. Some of his notable works include 'La saga/fuga de J.B.' and 'Los gozos y las sombras'. He received numerous awards, including the Cervantes Prize, the highest literary honor in the Spanish-speaking world.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. La Saga/ Fuga de J. B./ The Saga/ Escape of J.B.

    "La Saga/ Fuga de J. B./ The Saga/ Escape of J.B." is a complex narrative that explores the themes of reality and fiction, and their intersection. The story revolves around a mysterious character, J.B., who escapes from a novel into the real world. As he navigates this new realm, the boundaries between the fictional world he came from and the reality he now inhabits become increasingly blurred, leading to a surreal and thought-provoking exploration of the nature of existence.