Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Friedrich Dürrenmatt was a Swiss author and playwright known for his satirical dramas and detective stories. Born on January 5, 1921, in Konolfingen, Switzerland, he became one of the most prominent figures in German-language literature after World War II. His works often explore themes of justice, responsibility, and the absurdity of human existence. Notable works include 'The Visit' (Der Besuch der alten Dame) and 'The Physicists' (Die Physiker). He passed away on December 14, 1990, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.


This list of books are ONLY the books that have been ranked on the lists that are aggregated on this site. This is not a comprehensive list of all books by this author.

  1. 1. The Pledge

    This book is a gripping crime story that delves into the complexities of human nature and the limitations of the justice system. It follows the journey of a retired police detective who becomes obsessed with solving the murder of a young girl, promising the victim's parents to find the perpetrator. As he delves deeper into the investigation, his methods become increasingly unconventional, straying from standard police procedure and relying instead on a meticulously crafted plan to catch the killer. The narrative challenges the conventional detective story format, exploring themes of obsession, the unpredictability of life, and the moral ambiguities of justice, ultimately questioning whether the ends justify the means in the pursuit of truth.

  2. 2. The Judge and His Hangman

    This book is a crime novel set in Switzerland, where a police lieutenant is tasked with solving the murder of his former colleague. The narrative explores themes of justice, revenge, and the blurred lines between good and evil. The lieutenant, despite being terminally ill, is determined to solve the case and in the process, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that forces him to question his own morality and the nature of justice. The story is a philosophical examination of the criminal justice system and the moral dilemmas faced by those who enforce the law.

  3. 3. The Visit

    The narrative revolves around the return of a wealthy woman to her impoverished hometown, where she offers the residents a disturbing proposition: a vast fortune in exchange for the life of the man who wronged her in her youth. As the townspeople's initial horror gives way to the corrupting influence of the promised wealth, moral integrity collapses, leading to a dark and cynical exploration of human nature, justice, and revenge. The story serves as a powerful commentary on the capacity for greed to erode community values and the price of justice in a world governed by materialism.

  4. 4. The Physicists

    "The Physicists" is a satirical play that delves into the ethical dilemmas faced by scientists in the nuclear age. The story is set in a mental asylum where three patients believe they are Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Johann Wilhelm Möbius. However, it is later revealed that two of them are spies, attempting to get a hold of Möbius's scientific discoveries, while Möbius himself pretends to be insane to prevent his dangerous knowledge from falling into the wrong hands. The play explores themes of responsibility, morality, and the potential misuse of scientific advancements.